
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My garbage smells like vomit and other reason why I am not in Erie tonight...

Sooooo  let me explain my garbage first....I HATE eating leftovers.... I know this is a BAD thing to admit seeings how T-day (as in THANKFUL day ANNDDD TURKEY day) is upon us, BUTTTTT RARELY do I like the ever popular thanksgiving day (or anyday) leftovers, even if I have the BESTTT of intentions most often my leftovers go to waste.  Soooo needless to say I cleaned my kitchen last night in preparation for my week away at my sister LIZZIES andddd now my garbage smells like vomit....  lesson learned... (kind of)  ----eat the left overs or bring them straight to the trash outside to avoid the smell-age.

Sooo yeah, my trip to Trader Joe's and the traffic in Ann Arbor after my trip to this organically and uniquely inclined store initially discouraged me from leaving town.  Not only was the traffic in the store CRAZY buttt the traffic in AA (Squared) was also crazy even at THREE 'O Clock....sooo I HAD to stop at MICHAELS....  and concurrently DSW and TJ MAXXXX.  I swear I was still wanting to leave town... buutttt Lizzy had already let me know that she wouldn't be done until 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night SOOO I headed home.  This is where I digress, I HATE MICHIGAN DRIVERS!!!!!  Traffic was sooooooo baddddd, I feel like typically I do a pretty OKAY job at keeping a positive attitude BUT, when my ride home took me and wayyyyyyyy over an hour...and should have taken me 30 min. I was no longer motivated AT all to drive to Erie....  SO decision made---- I can't wait to get some sleep and drive tomorrow!!!!

While I had the night by myself I made some TRIAL ornaments gift topper ideas......  not sure if I love them or hate them.....

anndddddd BTW I also ENJOYED my new favorite show just a little bit TOOOO much....even thought I was sad not to be in ERIE.....   The show that took my mind off of traffic and my busy day?!?!  GLEE...if you don't know if you love Glee please let me know and I will personally burn you the first few CDS!   I can officially coin myself as a GLEEK!

But seriously please pray for me tomorrow when I travel---and Cal too!

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