
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Weekend fun---post 1 of 2!!

Alrightyyy remember my pile of crap that I picked up from the Bargain Barn in Erie PA???? Well I had some time to work on my crap I mean treasures and I have to say I am pretty excited about the results...and really for a first experience re-finishing I have to say it was EASY and super satisfying to see the results!  Now I am obsessivly looking around for new things to work on, this new discovery might really change what I will bring home from garage sales next summer!!

Sanded, stained and a coat of poly later I think this old school desk is looking GREAT!!!  ***note to self-might not be a good thing to do inside....I think inhaled more than my fair share of fumes!

Project #2

Sand and paint

Add a nail and there you go-wreath hanger thing... (I think this might look cool against a different color wall... buttt I HAVE to have this wreath above my bed because I love it SO much--Cal's mom made it for us out of our wedding flowers!)

Note cool wall hanging AND desk night stand!

Annddd a more realistic picture of the nightstand with all of my junk on it! 

I really wasn't sure what the real color of this frame was to begin with thats how dirty it was!

WoW look at that shine!

add white paint

*I did go back after painting the frame and distressed a bit with sand paper because I wasn't really going for the perfect look*

And finally there is nothing like recycling junk laying around the house not being used-I started out with an Ikea frame:

Sanded and painted white

Sand and then spray paint the glass=chalkboard! 


  1. Wow I am very very very impressed!!! What a great eye you have for bargains and fixing things up!!

  2. Girl, you are super crafty! Keep it up! (P.S. I'm stealing that chalkboard!)

  3. whooaaa okay i stand corrected- the desk looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!! I also love the frame! Who knew the white would look so nice!
    Crap=treasures when your done with it!!!!


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