
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I need a little reminder

I am feeling like I need a little reminder today, to keep my head up, to focus on my goals, to work hard and to KNOW it is going to be worth all this final work that is going into graduating!  Lets just say in my final five days of studying for my 3 day computerized board exams----I have become a bit stressed/crazy/sleep deprived/stressed/sick of studying/stressed---did I say that?!  I feel like this Sunday before my exam week I am going to need to play eye of the tiger and eat spaghetti (that's what you do if you are running a marathon right?!) and instead of cool stretches I will just flex and rotate my wrist for a few hours so I am ready for all of my mouse clicking the 3 days are going to require....but really, if you could just pray that in these next few days my brain doesn't explode, that I don't freak out on any of my crazy stressed classmates, my crazy dog Quinny, or my amazingly sweet but-far-away husband that would be GREAT!

And for my final reminder and inspiration for the night:


  1. After years of going through the same thing with my husband, know that you are in my prayers and it IS worth it! You will do amazing!

  2. Praying for you Jaime. I am so proud of you.

  3. Girl, you are going to ROCK it! I believe in you. I'm singing your theme song right now..."it's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight.."


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