
Friday, April 15, 2011

DIY sandal organizer

Happy Friday Blog Friends!

Tonights project is nice and simple and very spring inspired!  I hate the all allusive pile O' shoes that seem to accumulate in a closet so very quickly....(does anyone else have this problem!?!).  I was oh so inspired by a pinterest find that I decided to change that!  

Let me tell you the whole story:
I am moving in just a few short weeks, and although we have not yet have it "set in stone" I am 97% sure we have the place all lined up, so here is a sneak peek of the room that has inspired me tonight:

Ahhhhhh the walk in closet with a low hanging bar just perfect for tonights project.

And this is also inspiring me-my completely messy shoe closet
*** It must be noted that I am completely embarrassed and ashamed to show you a honestly un-edited version of my coat closet as it stands at this very moment---please don't judge***

Yes it is true, I have about 0 closet space in my current home but am looking forward to being a more organized individual when I have a walk in closet at my disposal.  But no promises, let me be honest!

Now don't get me wrong I would so so so love the amazing closet for my amazing shoes but lets face it, thats just not going to happen...sooooooo.....

So here the simple solution:

Old hangers

cut and bent (I used my jewelry making tools, but if I had had the hubs tools available I would have just used a wire cutter and something to bend the wire.

Finally I decorated with scrapbook paper.

Not perfect, but my crafts never are, but watch out new closet----you are going to be organized, that is a promise I hope!


  1. I would of never thought of that!! Great idea. Good luck cleaning your closet!! That is a chore I dread!!

  2. That is a good idea. Cute shoes.


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