
Monday, April 25, 2011

Nautical Themed Mantle

Happy Monday blog friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!  I had such a wonderful time with my husband even though our packing and moving is in full swing!  Today I must admit I took the day off to relax and try to really realize that I am DONE with school!  A day off from packing can only mean one thing----yep you guessed it I was crafting up a storm!  

Here is my first of a few projects and tonight's treasured up-cycle:

I know some of you have read some of my other posts where I have talked about how I am only decorating with meaningful home-made art keeping with the meaningful idea I found these sand dollars while packing.  I love that Cal found them for me on one of our trips to Cancun---ahhh special memories and moments.  I was inspired to display them as a reminder of the wonderful times spent together.

And here is where I started:

I came across a load of cabinet doors for sale for a bundle price at a re-use home building store 
***I know I didn't pay more than a couple dollars each even thought this ticket price says seven dollars or something crazy like that*** 
I can't stop thinking about different ways to use them!  
*At least a couple of this weeks projects will feature these lovely doors so beware!*

{So I should note this was not the cabinet door I actually used for this project but was one of many I have been painting and up-cycling lately}

I also have a pile of these old wall art box-thing-ies and have been full of ideas of ways to up-cycle them...I am always excited to rescue and reuse things that have been laying around the house that are no longer my style!

So I don't have many in between pictures this time but I just printed my sea inspired pictures on my beloved encyclopedia paper (same directions as the last few posts on how to do the printing).  I found the coral at the graphic fairy and starfish at wbclipart.
Then I distressed the corners of the paper with sand paper while supporting the paper on piece of scrap wood.

For the cabinet door I just painted it white, distressed like crazy and added the label holders and sand dollars.  I used a glue gun to place the sand dollars because I like the idea of being able to change the items on my board----my style is constantly changing!

I also must note that I am still so so so in love with my encyclopedias and took time to find fun sea inspired words to put in the holders!

Ahhh now if only we could all take a week off and play in the ocean!
Bbbuutt back to reality,
*I will be back to moving and packing tomorrow!*

Ohhh and before I forget I must mention that:

Once again I was also slightly inspired by pottery barn's new love for nautical decorium as well----ahhhh I love that store!!!

I am linking up here.


  1. Gaaaaahhhhhhhhh- you make me sick with all your crafty wonderfulness... would you just hurry up and run out of wall space and stuff so you can hurry up and use mine???

    Love you.
    Congratulations on being D.O.N.E. with school!!!!!WHOOOOOOOO!

    Your projects are out of this world amazing... Cant believe that was a cabinet door!

  2. Oh and PS - yours are way prettier than pottery barns... and no I'm not just saying that. I wouldn't have looked twice at the PB ones-but I really like yours!

  3. So creative & I love that it has a special meaning to you. (visiting from Homemaker in Heels)

  4. Very pretty! Who needs Pottery Barn for anything but inspiration?!

  5. I love it....all of it, soooo much! The colors..the meaning behind it's just wonderful, great job!

  6. Great projects! I have one or two of those cabinet doors that I got from a yard sale. I haven't made anything with them yet.

  7. LOVE this! It is gorgeous! I really love the idea of only decorating with meaningful home-made artwork! I'm so glad you linked this up at Week 1 of Inspire Me Monday at Homemaker in Heels! :) Have a great day!

  8. Love your nautical Pottery Barn mantle - love the blue shutter! Thanks for sharing at SYS linky party.

  9. Love your sand dollar art work. I've been thinking about doing something similar, and I really love the addition of the label holders. Very nice!

  10. Looks awesome, I just need some cabinet doors.

  11. I love the sand dollars ... what a great way to use a cabinet door. The label holders are a really great touch.

  12. Hi Jaime Lyn~

    Lots of wonderful ideas here! So nifty, neat & creative. I invite you to link to my fun & inspiring blog bash K.I.S.S. Happy to be a new follower of your lovely blog. :)

    Drop By The Tattered Tag

  13. Jaime Lyn - another fabulous project. I love the colors and the art work - looks fantastic! Thanks again for linking to the Sunday Showcase - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this as well. Hope you are enjoying your week ~ Stephanie Lynn


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