
Thursday, May 19, 2011

I am back I am back I am back :o)

Hello blog world and blog friends I have missed you!  I have missed having my usually calm and normal life.  I have missed my somewhat organized life. And lets just face it I have missed not living out of boxes!!!!  But the internet is hooked up again and I am on the road to normalcy once again!  Overall our move went well it just felt like it took forrrreeeevvverrr!!!!  I remember moving to Michigan I hardly had a trailer full of belongings....ahhhhh but wow how times have changed....I didn't even notice until this move---my belonging have multiplied.  I like how my mother-in law refers to this little problem as the "stuff factor"  you know, the stuff that accumulates in closets and drawers.....yeah I am guessing we all have it, but wow does the "stuff factor" make moving to a different state difficult as ever!!!  But I am here, I am alive, I only had a few of my treasures break along the way (not bad if you ask me) and I am finally settling in.  As of yesterday the last big box was unpacked so that means that the fun part of moving is going to begin-----decorating (making a house into a home) and organizing (uggggghhhh I am not so good at this one)!  So as you can guess I will be sharing some of my ideas, tell you about my mess-ups and hopefully inspire you along the way!  

I should also maybe explain:  I am now enjoying my month in a half "off" before I start working (it takes that long for the state you want to practice in, to process your license), this means that I will have time on my hands while being on a tight budget.  My arts and crafts will be up-cycled finds and garage sale treasures, which I think are more fun than buying new anyways!  Also I must note that hubs and I are back under the same roof and are now living in a beautiful RENTAL home until we are ready to buy in the next few years.  I know most of you can understand that rental home living is different than home ownership living, and so of course I will be working with what I have (purple walls and all) to make this place my own (without tearing down walls or adding anything too permanent).  

And to start with I must show you my crafty room (or at least a tiny part of it I am attempting to organize)!!!!!!!!

First crafty project back in blog land is nice and simple:

All I did was find myself a bar from a garage sale....not sure what they were for but I liked them because they looked a bit vintage.  Find yourself some really inexpensive curtain rod hangers to hold the top bar and attach the second with ribbon.  I also found some super clearance fancy curtain holders from JCP for 2 dollars per pack.
That is about all for this project, then I just labeled the buckets---ahhhh crafty room I am loving you already!  I am sure I will be hanging projects or pictures or really anything that I am working on up here also but really anything that is super functional is great in my mind!!!! 

{not perfect, but like I always say, none of my crafty projects are}

I am linking up here


  1. So glad that your move went well. I actually thought of you today thinking I haven't seen you around then I remembered you were moving. And then here you are. I love the organizing buckets in your craft room!!!


  2. Yay! You're back! I'm glad your move was a success--that gives me hope for our move next month, which I am DREADING! I love the bucket organization--so clever!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  3. Cute organization! I love hanging buckets!

  4. Thanks for sharing this great idea!


  5. Aaaawww, hope you're both enjoying being in one another's arms again!

  6. So cute! Glad you are back in action ; ) I have added this project to my linky laundry list post this week. You can check it out here -

  7. Totally missed you!!

  8. Super cute! I'm about to move and I'm super excited about my new craft room!

    Tiffany, I blog over at

  9. Hi - visiting from the shabby nest party. Such a cute idea! and I love simple :-)

  10. Oh that is cute, cute, cute.

    I think I might steal this idea for my Kindergarten classroom next year. :)

  11. Such a cute idea!!! Love it!

  12. Just found you thru Under The Table Dreaming linky party. Cute little bucket idea. I am now following you. I would love you to follow me back.

  13. This is such a great idea! I always love cute organization. :) I'd love it if you'd share this at my party.


    Here's the link:

  14. I love this! Thank you for linking with air your laundry Friday.

  15. Jaime Lyn - adorable and genius way to hang the buckets! Love the ribbon! Thanks again for linking to the Sunday Showcase party - I greatly appreciate it. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  16. This is so cute I had to pin it! I just spent about 45 min looking at all your wonderful projects...very creative :)

  17. You are brilliant! I really needed this idea for organizing my booth. Now to find rebar in the right length!


    The Old Block House

  18. What a cute idea! Love it! Visiting from the CSI Monthly Challenge. Good Luck!

  19. I absolutely LOVED this idea!! I'm going to use it in the childrens many odds & ends...goodness. Thanks for sharing!! Crafty & happy...yes, those go hand in hand! :-)


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