
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A neglected corner of the living room no longer!

Before I get into details about my little makeover I would love to remind you that I have a little giveaway going on----I would LOVE it if you would enter it!!! 
 Click here to check out how to win a coffee sack! & possibly be featured on my blog!!!

Does anyone else have a corner of their living room or really anywhere in their house that has been a bit neglected????  

I sure do---in fact I have quite a few that all are just vying for my love and attention....
But lets face it I have only been in my new place for about a month and I think that the things I HAVE accomplished so far are just great.  
Soooo now I am finally getting around to the little forgotten and neglected but NOT overlooked or unloved areas of my home.

Starting here:

This little area has been changing a lot but just can't quite get situated... I realize that functional is needed---so the baskets are a must stay.  The table is one that I adore and since she fits so nicely she also gets to stay.  I must also point out the not-so-little-window I picked up two weeks ago for FREE at a garage sale----I have been wanting to do SOMETHING with it.... but I was not sure what until last night!  

Have you ever started decorating one area and then got overwhelmingly distracted by another?  That happened to me.  See I have another little decorating project going on but everything I was collecting for that area just happened to look better in this little living room area.....arrggghhhh!  Butt really I am happy to have this little area feeling less neglected and more like part of my beach-cottage themed living room like it should be.

I had really wanted to use those pictures somewhere else....butttt I kind of like them right where they are for now!  Anddd I have been wishing for a place to use that quote!

So a couple of eye hooks later and some ribbon, I found an easy way to hang the frames up----I am always interested in a way that allows for easy change---(I LOVE seasonal decor) so I thought this was a good way of keeping things simple!

Add a little vinyl and that is about it. 

Not bad for a quick little makeover right?!?!

If you missed the other corner of my living room---check out my mantle up-cycled from a cabinet here.

Also I am linking up here---check out these parties for amazing inspiration!


  1. This is really adorable! I love the window and what you did with it.

  2. ooooohhh! i love that window idea! nice job!

  3. Wow, that window is such a good find! And for free at that! It's a great conversation piece. I always get distracted like that, too. I swear I have DIY ADD. Haha.

    Hey thanks for the thoughtful comments!! I'm thrilled that you're following now, too!

  4. I love the idea of hanging the pics from the top of the window and adding the quote - perfection! I think it turned out fantastic!

  5. WOW! This is beautiful, I love what you have done with your little corner! Hugs, antonella :-)

  6. Great corner. I bet it makes you smile each time you look at it.

  7. Very cute! Love the baskets below with the starfish. So great.

  8. What a great little corner. It all came together so well. The quote is wonderful and looks cute on the window with the frames. Love the baskets too!

  9. I love those pictures over the glass framed with your vinyl saying. It looks wonderful. I love how this little area turned out.


  10. FABULOUS as always!!! I love your beach theme living room-how relaxing of a space that must be! And where do you find all these fantastic quotes?! I think I may be stealing the one off your mantel to use on a window I just up-cycled-mkay? perfect. :)

  11. Love what you did here. The window looks great and the frames too.

  12. This is SO pretty! I love that it's a window with no panes and that you added the quote right on the glass! Very nice ideas here!

  13. Oh, Jaime, I love love love this!!! Wow! Can you do that at my house, pretty please? :) We are beach lovers too. What a fantastic quote. I just like everything about what you did!

  14. What a great little corner redo! Love the beachy theme. Everything fits so perfectly!


  15. Oh my gosh, that is fantastic.Hugs,

  16. Ridiculously cute! LOVE!

    Pamela @

  17. P.s. Sent some lovin' your way on my blog tonight...

    Pamela @

  18. this turned out so cute i was over at Wipperberry and had to stop by to check it out. Love it!

  19. This is great! It looks really nice. If you happen to find a table just like that one at a garage sale or something....think of me:)
    I need two or three of these!

  20. what a great way to use an old window. I love that quote. And the storage underneath is perfect.
    Glad I found your blog. I am following you now

  21. That is SO pretty! And yes, I've been distracted by other areas before too. I swear, I am going to hang my tin hearts all over the house because I keep finding other spots for them. Thanks for linking with Air Your Laundry Friday! xo Jami

  22. I want this in my neglected corner now! I love this idea and the quote is just beautiful.

  23. Love this! My husband found me a great big picture window with a wooden frame, but I had NO clue what to do with it. I think I'll do something like this :)

  24. Don't know how I missed this one...but you know I love it!! your quotes are the best and always make me smile :)

  25. Amazing what you can pick up at a garage sale, very good prices, and with a little imagination, can make a huge difference. Well done.

  26. That quote is great and I love the starfish on the baskets!


Your comments mean the world to me!