
Thursday, July 28, 2011

In case you missed it--dressing up old flats.

Hi friends, here is a post I did over at my wonderful real life friend Tabitha's blog-Inspired by Giving.

This project is inspired by Tabitha!  Let me tell you---she is one trendy gal!  She is so cute!  She works at the school I was attending and each day I would have to stop by to visit her and drool over her cute outfits, shoes, and jewelry.  And then I would stare down at my scrubs and get green with envy!
Buuuttt now that I am in the "real world" and have a bit more freedom with my "style"----I am all about trying to accomplish the Tabitha look I so envy!

But with a Jaime twist to it.

Because it wouldn't be me if it wasn't up-cycled!  
Starting with an old pair of shoes. 

I added a couple of fabric flowers that Tabitha is AMAZING at making. 
Glued them down and then sewed them to re-enforce them.

Wham-bam.  I have a super simple up-cycled pair of shoes. 

Annnnddd at the last minute---before I wore the bad boys out and about I decided they needed a bit more Tabitha sparkle sooooo.....

I added some jewels. 

What do you think?????

I am linking up to a few of these great parties!


  1. Soooo adorable! Love those little shoes now...

  2. Too cute! I need to dig in my closet and find a pair to do!

  3. aww you're so funny. Thanks for the mention and the boost of confidence ;)

  4. Cute idea! I have a couple pair of flats that could use a little bling!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Cute! I love the idea of embellishing shoes you already have. Now I'm going to have to do that with some pair I have.

  6. FUN! I just found some cute ked-type shoes for my daughter. This would be a fun way to dress them up. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  7. These are so ridiculously adorable! I love the little flower pompom addition. So cute! I would love for you to link up to my linky party.

  8. What a wonderful transformation! I love how, not only is it cute, it seems quite an easy feat to pull off! I'm looking for an old pair of shoes as we speak! :)

  9. The flowers have given a new look to the flats. Great job!! You now have a new pair at the price of old ones :)

    We have a link-up party going on - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. I would really appreciate if you'd link up some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.


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