
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Its my Birthday and I am partying at Midwest Sewing Girl!!!

I am So SO SOOOO excited that Maggie from the one and only Midwest {Sewing} Girl invited me hang out at her place to day!

BEST Birthday Gift EVER!  

I ADORE Maggie!  You should for sure come and check out my project, come and say HI, anddd get to know Maggie!


Here is a preview of my project:

Come over to see how I made it!

Annnddd Maggie is going to come over here with a guest post later this summer so get excited for that also!!!!!

Butt for now lets CELEBRATE!
I have been SO blessed to have had 28 wonderful years {so far} on this beautiful earth.
7 of those years I have spent with the man of my dreams.
10 of those years I have had my "lifetime dog" Quincy.
22 of those years have been spent as a student.
26 of those years I have had the best sister EVER.
28 of those years I have lived life to its fullest.

Buttt at 28 I am starting to feel a bit a little humor never hurts!

I can't feel too bad that I am 28 because I am young at heart.

And then this is a great point---I will never be younger than I am now---and I shall enjoy every min. of it.

But thank goodness I am past this point....I freely admit that I DON'T know everything, not even close!

SO SO sooo true.  And good to remember EVERY day

Anddd because I am a Wisconsin girl I had to include this one in my Birthday Celebration!!

Annddd watch out I shall be embracing this FOR SURE today!  I LOVE Dairy Queen Log cakes---once a year--my mouth is watering already!!!!  
It would not be my birthday if I didn't have one!  
Want a piece? 

Such a good thing to think about---wonderful things each and every day!

And finally---Yes this is a GREAT idea---with singing and everything :o) 

Thank you for being part of my Birthday!!!! 


  1. Enjoy your birthday, but make everyday enjoyable

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day...

  3. Happy birthday!!! I hope it was amazing! Great pillow project, too. I love the great latitude and longitude idea. Makes it special.

  4. Happy birthday sister! I love you wildly!

  5. ♫ "Happy Birthday" Jaime Lyn! I hope you have the best birthday ever.
    How exciting to be a guest blogger on your birthday.
    I'm off to check out how you made your pillow.


  6. I'm visiting for the first time,,,happy birthday!!!Great post!!I'm 55 so you ARE young to me!!

  7. Happy Birthday! I come to you via Dee who is going to be guestblogging here and am thrilled to find all these great blogs as I am a newby blogger!


  8. Oh my gosh HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend!! My birthday is in July too (in a little over a week!, AAAAND I'll be turning 28 AAAND our 7th anniversary is in a couple weeks too! How fun!! ha ha! Hope you have a wonderful fabulous day!!

  9. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Thank you so much for guest posting with me today! You are the best...;)

  10. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope it was a wonderful day! :)

  11. Happy Birthday, Jaime! I came over from Dee's blog and I am your newest follower. I am having a giveaway on my blog for a birdcage if you would like to come enter...(It's the 2nd post down.)


  12. Happy birthday cutie!Happy birthday cutie!

  13. happy birthday! you're just a year younger than us. 80's baby lol! (:

    new follower from midwestern sewing girl...we just adore Maggie! your blog is darling!

    xoxo.Kelli & Kristi

  14. Happy 28th Jaime! Awesome timeline! Looks like you have life under control and are ready to embrace another lifetime:)
    Love the pillow and the stamp!

  15. Happy 28th Jaime! Ah to be 28 again!

  16. Hi Jaime,
    Thanks so much for visiting!!! It's so nice to meet you and by the way--that pillow is amazing!!!

  17. Hi Jaime,

    My followers don't just follow they have become good friends of mine. I'm so happy they came over to wish you a Happy Birthday.

    I'm going to knock your socks off with my craft project!!! I can't wait to finish it and be your guest.

    P.S. I love your new pillow!!!

  18. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful one. My next one is the big 40. Yikes!!

    Love your pillow.


  19. Happy birthday week, friend! Hope you are having a very fun week celebrating!

    Love to YOU!



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