
Monday, July 25, 2011

A love affair with Paris Grey---a side table up-cycle

Well guys, I am feeling the need for change----can you tell based on my blog header and background?!  I can't promise it will be the same tomorrow.... Arrrggg I am SO not great at digital design but I am trying to come up with SOMETHING that is "me". 
Feedback is ALWAYS helpful! 

Anyways, just like my blog, my furniture seems to keep changing also---
I am having SO much fun with my chalk paint.
But I am getting a little worried---are you guys getting sick of my furniture up-cycles yet?  
Because if you aren't already than I can almost promise you will be soon....

My up-cycle for today started as a modern dark wood piece. 
I was SUPER hesitant to try to up-cycle something with such a modern flair since I tend to go for the more vintage look...
But I found this beauty for $3.00 at a garage sale and thought it was worth playing with.

This looks like something I would have wanted in my house just a few years ago...
Before my love of vintage was realized.  
Now the sight of dark wood makes me cringe.  
I guess a lesson I need to learn is that I should buy furniture that is of good quality, 
so that I am able to "refinish" it as my tastes change.

I have to say a bit of Chalk Paint----color Paris Grey saved the day.
Ahhh the ease of distressing with this paint is AMAZING!

I just painted (you can skip the sanding and priming with chalk paint) and distressed.
When I distressed I paid extra attention to each "line" and "detail" of the piece.
Finally I "sealed" and "finished" the piece with clear wax---to make it more durable.

I picked corners and details and distressed more in those areas.
And when I say distress I mean I used rough grit sandpaper and just worked at removing just the right amount of paint-no rules for that just do what you like.

Then I added a pull instead of putting the knob back on....
I thought it gave the once modern piece more of a vintage feel.
And of course I couldn't help but make a tag for it with my typewriter---
"Happy" about sums it up!
Because that is just how I feel about how this guy turned out.

I am linking up to a few of these parties.


  1. Love the table!! And I didn't know you could skip sanding with chalk paint....that will be my new best friend! And I love the shabby chic feel of this piece!!! Might need to do this in baby Kidman's nursery ;)

  2. Another great transformation and a great tip about using chalk paint and skipping the sanding!

    You say you aren't good at digital design but your header looks wonderful. It looks more proffessional then a lot of blogs I have seen, especially mine. Stick to it and you will come up with a wonderful design that is 'you'!

  3. The tag is a great touch - that vintage-izes it!!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  4. I love this! So cute. I think chalk paint sounds amazing- might have to check it out!

  5. I love the little pull you put on this! So cute and clever!

  6. Oh!!! you are so right that is a fabulous color. Love it:)

  7. So pretty! And my, at the moment, are one follower away from 500!! You rock...and so do your fabulous projects! Thanks for linking up!!

  8. I love love love this Jaime...I'm not exactly sure how you know to make a piece just perfect, but you do. That library catalog pull is absolutely exactly perfect...I really think it's just...awesome. I'm speechless...

  9. Hey mama, the table looks great and I feel the same about all the dark furniture we bought...:( isn't it funny how tastes change? Anyway, I hope you are
    Transforming and making your home for your own sake and not us, your any case I don't think I'll ever get sick of being inspired by your transformations ..

  10. It looks great and I love the "happy" tag; it adds the perfect little touch.

  11. Love the table but I will provide some feedback. As a reader of all of your posts it feels to me that once you discovered photographing things at an angle you really let it take hold and you don't shoot anything straight on. Angle can be cool but it doesn't have to replace straight on.

  12. That is just about perfect! Love it! The tag totally completes it. Great job! Also, I love the new header. It's great, and I like that it's shorter. Looks awesome!

  13. Jaime Lyn you are so creative and talented!! The tag w/the vintage type was the perfect touch to change the (my) perception of the table. Paris Grey is my fave AS paint color right now! Just love the looks you can accomplish with it.
    The blog header looks super........what's not to like? I've really been enjoying the info after your posts and comments. Once I found it that is!! Hope you are having a great day. Take care, VBg

  14. Ooh, that turned out so cute! I STILL haven't tried chalk paint, maybe I'll bite the bullet and order some today! I LOVE the vintage little card holder you put on, so stinkin cute!!


  15. Great job! it is a cute table.


  16. OMG! I love this and the fact that you got it for $3 is even better! :) I'd love if you would join us over at Sew Woodsy and link this project up!

  17. Great job! I love the file drawer pull, adds just the right touch.

    Di @

  18. Der Tisch ist richtig klasse geworden !!! Herzliche Gruesse aus Deutschland schickt Jacqueline

  19. so cute--great job! I especially love the library card catalog pull--so charming.

  20. I cringe at the sight of dark wood, too.....unless it's in a room full of white! Sometimes the contrast is beautiful. But I love how you transformed this sad little table into a thing of beauty! May I ask where you get your vintage tag holders? I just love them!

    xoxo laurie

  21. The paint makes a huge difference. So much better than the plain wood. That card pull is such a great touch. I have to keep that in mind.

  22. This rocks too!! I really should get over my fear of painting dark wood...our 1945 house has beautiful trim details, but, you guessed it they are all stained dark....I would love a lighter and brighter look but I'm scared! Can't you just come here and do it for me?? Please....

  23. Beautiful! I was just about to donate my two identical (espresso) side tables (no longer my taste). I am currently searching for vintage-inspired Parisian grey tables. I can't wait to re-paint mine. Thank you!


Your comments mean the world to me!