
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pillow Cover Made from my Husbands Dress Shirt

I have really been having fun making pillows lately!  And this one was extra fun because it is a TOTAL up-cycle!

I used my husbands old dress shirt as the fabric!

He gave me a pile of them---and so I have all kinds of plans for the rest of them!

But for this project I started by cutting off the arms, collar and pocket.
Then I cut and re-aligned the seams so that the buttons could be used to make the cover easy to remove and clean. 

Then I sewed all 4 sides inside out and then put it on the pillow.
***I really can't give you amazing sewing advice, 
I am no pro---I never measure anything...I just use the eye-ball-it technique***  
I am hoping the pictures show you enough about how I did the assembling!

This is the pillow back together.

I liked it at this point but also wanted to add a little something....

I made a flower out of 4 round circles of fabric.
Then I hot glued the four circles folded in half and then half again into place.
Finally I sewed them into place and added a button.

What do you think?  Do you like the final look?

I think it fits in well with my beach-y themed decor!

I am linking up to a few of these amazing parties----
go and check them out, they are wonderful places to be inspired.


  1. What a great idea. I wonder if my husband would notice a few missing shirts? I'm gonna have to try this one day soon!

  2. Great idea!! These turned out so well.

  3. Awesome idea! My husband has so many dress shirts that he does not wear.

    Your pillows ROCK! I love the flower too.


  4. Absolutely perfecT! And I LOVE where you placed the buttons...smarty pants...;)

  5. This is "sew" awesome! :-)
    When my dad passed away, we each took a couple of his shirts. This would be a wonderful way to use them!

    Visiting from the Shabby Chic Cottage linky.


  6. Love this! My mom has a stash of Grandpa's old shirts. She's been wanting to make a quilt out of them, but I'm thinking she and I should make pillows! Nice tutorial!

  7. perfection!.... but I can't believe you let your husband buy that red and white shirt...just kidding...!
    The pillows are awesome..thanks for the inspiration ! xo

  8. Leaving the buttons on for easy removal is genius!! Oh how I love your crafts!!

  9. I love this idea! I'm totally doing it!

  10. What a darn good idea! I'm really liking the pinstripe look it has going on. My hubby definately has a few old work shirts and I'm thinking I know exactly what to do with them!

  11. :o) I am so so sooo excited that you guys like my idea! Thank you all for commenting---it means a lot to me!

  12. The flower added the perfect finish to your pillow and I love how you used the buttons-very clever!

  13. so cute!! great idea to use fabric of clothes I'm geting rid of!!

  14. Your pillows are so cute and would cost a bundle in a shop. Perfect for summer!

  15. This is so clever and looks so designer its unreal. Wow for the flowers, and in fact I have just thought of some shirts that I could turn into napkins for my Picnic basket! Thanks for stopping by my new blog.


  16. I absolutely love this idea! I am all about using what you have to make something new. This is fantastic :)
    Renee @ Rustic Crafts

  17. I LOVE this, as I usually love your ideas!! I have been wanting to make throw pillows, but have been short on time & this is the perfect solution! This, too, will go perfectly with my slipcovered couch! Thank you...

  18. Who knew that a man's shirt could be upcycled to look so girly. I love it!

    BTW, I love the quilt in the background. Did you make that?

  19. Hey! Glad to see someone else uses the eyeball technique for making pillows too! lol! Love the pillow! And funny enough...I just rescued a very similar shirt of hubby's for possible use for fabric flowers or a throw pillow! Great minds think alike! :)

  20. this would even be cute with old flannel shirts or corduroy ones! can't wait to try this!


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