
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shutter Up-Cycle-Up-Cycle

Sooo this is one of those projects that I have been working on for awhile now....  Something that I just couldn't get quite right.  
Have you ever had a project like that?!?!

Anyways, here is how they are looking at this point... 
I am finally happy... 
For now... 
I have yet to officially hang them and give them my final nod of approval...
I Up-cycle-Up-cycle these so I thought I had better stop here for now!

{The quote is a little confusing I am hoping it makes more sense when they are hanging farther apart...but you are supposed to read up and down.  It is one of my favorite quotes right now....}
{Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are...}

I am all about meaningful---and this quote makes me think!

So on to the fun part:
Here is what I started with

Found these treasures at a garage sale for 1.00 for a set of 4, they are solid wood and really very heavy (Have I mentioned I am not sure how my landlord is going to feel about me mounting these to the wall?!?
It is a risk I am willing to take!).

Up-cycle #1
My first attempt:
I painted them teal and then added some blue vinyl and a couple of starfish.

And tried them out in their spot...(but picture them hung on each side of the little space).
And there they sat.
I wasn't crazy about them.  at. all. 
And so what do I do when I am not crazy about something?  I up-cycle. 

Up-cycle #2

I added white paint and then remove the vinyl.  Then I distressed.
What a fun way of getting lettering without actually having vinyl on your project!!!
Can you tell I am a little new at this whole vinyl business???

What do you think?  
Which up-cycle did you like best?  
Any advice on how to finish my little space?
  More to come when these bad boys are hung, that is for sure!!

Did you notice I added a contact, sponsor or guest post button to the top of my blog?!?!?  
Go check it out if you are interested in any or all of the above---it would just make my day!!!

I am sharing my project at some of these amazing parties---go and check them out and be inspired!


  1. Looks awesome! Love the distressed look and the font!

  2. I love the look although the quote confuses me... BUT! if you read it and it speaks to you that's all that matters! I keep not buying used shutters when I see them, but then I see a post like this and think "man I like that look!" Someday I'm gonna buckle.

  3. It looks perfect! I have been looking for shutters for awhile now. Nobody is giving theirs up!! i love what you did with yours!

  4. I love them! You did a wonderful job painting and distressing them.


  5. Those are super cute! They would spice up any room!!

    New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways!

  6. You are quite possibly the best distresser I have ever met! :) Seriously I love what you did with them-both times! I want your whole house, your projects are so beautiful! And I love that quote-sometimes I take for granted all my normal days, what a great way to remember to embrace everything! Love Love!

  7. love them! The quote really did make me think...I should always remember to love the "normal" days too.

  8. Just perfect, Jaime...I love the up-cycled up-cycle...;) And the unintentional stencil is looks like you complete meant to do it!!!!

  9. Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog! I love the what you did with the shutters and the quote. I'm new to vinyl as well, OMG is that stuff the greatest! I look forward following your blog :)

  10. I really love these shutters! This is the next thing on my list to find. Guess what!? I found two ores! yeah. finally.
    I will go vote for your mantle now. Congrats. That's pretty awesome. I just pulled up your blog yesterday to show Beth your mantle and table. She thought they were amazing.

  11. Very charming! Thanks for joining my linky party this week.

  12. The shutters look lovely in white and the quote is very sweet too :)

  13. Very nice shutters, you did a wonderful job in transforming them. Really sweet quote too.

  14. Hi Jaime Lyn! I like the 2nd up-cycle the best. The way the words came out after removing the vinyl is great! And thanks for sharing your "process" with us! I find it helpful to see how other people's ideas evolve. Love the quote!

  15. Love this, I'm trying to follow you, but gfc is acting out this weekend. Ugh!!! Visting from


  16. I love them! I have been keeping my eyes open for some shutters to try a project on, thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Those are seriously cute! Love it! Stopping over from Under the Table and Dreaming!


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