
Monday, August 29, 2011

My crafty scrappy happy place!

Happy Monday friends!  I am so excited to finally feel like my craft room is ready to be shared...
are you ready for picture overload?

I must warn you, it isn't perfect, it isn't crazy organized....
but I am working on it, and I am happy with what I have...
I mean lets face it, until this point I have never had my very own crafting room---it is my little piece of heaven!

So all I want to say is----do you want to come over and craft with me?!?

Here is a look at my craft room from the hall---I want to share how blessed I feel that my wonderful husband let me take over the first floor room as my craft room---it is a huge and well lit room and I am sure he would have been happy to use it for a million man things but instead gave me full reign!  

p.s. my pups look thrilled about my finished craft room right?!

This is the project that has taken FOREVER to finish, but now that it is done I am super super excited! 
I first bought this cubby from ikea at the beginning of dental school 4 years ago... it was stuffed FULL of notes and books and well all things school related... when I was down sizing my school stuff and moving on from my life as a student I was thrilled when I realized the cubby would be amazing for my future crafty room!

Now here is where the problem comes in, you see I think these cubbies are great when they are beautifully and sparsely decorated... 
BUT I am not about decor I am about function when it comes to my craft room....sooooo I started planning for doors!

I am humiliated and a little blown away by how horribly unorganized my craft cubby is/was---please don't judge, but I think you need to see the before photo to appreciate the after!  And to understand why doors were so necessary! 

So initially I made plans and took trips to the hardware store trying to work out how to do the doors, but eventually my hubs kind of took over----
I really didn't mind, he drilled and cut wood and I worked on other projects 
***We did decide to keep spaces open for the baskets I had already purchased from ikea years ago---they are functional andddd they were about $15 dollar each so I just couldn't see not using them!
Anyways, when it came to the decor I was all about it!
I painted each door with duck egg blue (Annie Sloan Chalk Paint)

And since I am all about function I decided to decorate blank clip boards with scrap paper and then attach them to each door----a simple way to organize contents of the cubbies, or bookmark inspiration!

So here is the final product.....much more functional and organized if you ask me!

And I am sure if you have looked around my blog at all you know how in love I am with blue ball jars...soooo of course I use them as storage for small craft supplies all over my craft room!

I should also note that I had first purchased the card catalogue label holders months ago specifically for this project (I know I have since used them on a couple of furniture re-dos) but I got them from Van Dyke Restoration Online....just and FYI!

Aren't those doors just a life saver?  I totally needed a way to hide my "stuff"!

Anyways on to the rest of the room!

remember my typewriter that I love to use for crafts and my buckets for organization that I shared awhile back?

This is where things get a little busy and a little less pretty....
buttt they are still organized in my own way and I don't just want to show you the pretty parts of the room!

And plus I LOVE these wire baskets...!  I think they are a great way to store fabric for sewing projects!  I can see through the sides so it makes life easier when the fabric I am looking for is at the very bottom! 
I did add a sheet of scrapbook paper to the front of two of the wire baskets just to add a little pretty detail as well!

I found a couple of cabinets this summer at garage sales and decided they are a great addition to my craft room---they are just sitting on top of my craft table---I added some scrapbook paper to the windowed part so you can't see my mis-matching craft toys in there :o)

Ohh and I store ribbon and leftover fabrics in this fruit stand I picked up awhile back at TJ Maxx....
I just use clothes pin to keep them organized.

I even had fun with some of the little details of the room----I don't have a million dollars to buy matching containers for my craft room so instead I added scrapbook paper to the base of most of them to kind of unify them in a fun way (I just mod podged them on).

I really think that work space is key...anddd a view is always a bonus....I am SO lucky to have both!

And it wouldn't be right if I forgot to show you my "dream machine's" little home---- I thought it was just right for storage!
(I found the container last week at a thrift shop and painted it right up to match the room!)

Okayyy and just a few more practical things I wanted to point out----

I LOVE using the magnetic board I refinished this past winter as a way to collect pins and other sewing goodies....
All I did was stick a magnet to the board and then the container of pins literally just sticks right to it---no magnet on the pin case needed.

Anddd then there are my buttons---I love them in this blue ball jar, buttt....

I also like them pinned up on my cork board!  The are super easy to see and get at this way!

So thank you for letting me show you around! 
Would you like to come over and craft at my place?! 


I must mention that I am also beyond excited already for this coming weeks link party----I would love to see you there this Thursday!
Maggie from Midwest Sewing Girl is my wonderfully talented Co-host!

I am linking up to a few of these amazing parties also---check them out, they are great places to be inspired!


  1. I love it!

    I am adding some of your ideas to my future crafting room!! :)

  2. This room looks awesome!! I love the little clipboards

  3. swoon..........wish we had another room that i could take over like that, but our house, even with our recent addition is on the small side. and those clipboards are the cutest!

  4. Wow this is so pretty, and definitely more organized than my craft room will ever be! This is fabulous, and YES! I would absolutely come craft with you!

  5. Beautiful!!! I'm guessing you are feeling the same way I was after finishing my craft room ... such a GOOD feeling to be able to go into that space and feel relaxed and rejuvenated and inspired to create! :-)
    Awesome job!

  6. Lots of great ideas at work there, girl! Good job!

  7. Oh my goodness, you're incredible :-) I LOVE the cubbies! What a great craft space!

  8. For real! How can you even compare our Ikea cubby's?! lol Yours is UH-MAY-ZING!!!! Love the clipboards and all of those cute catch-all containers... esp. that tier! Love! xoxo

  9. Oh my gosh, where do I start!? I love your craft room! What a fabulous idea to put doors on those shelves. I would go nuts looking at all my stuff in the this is a perfect solution. I love the jars holding all your little trinkets. Is that just a bench on top to make another shelf? Fabulousness! :)I am working on my art/craft space so I love seeing all these creative ideas.
    PS I love your dogs! We have a golden retriever who is my third child. :) Have a great week.

  10. Wow, this turned out really awesome. Love the mini clipboards. The whole room turned out great.

  11. Please, please, please can I come and play in this room! What a dream...your home is beautiful and I just love the view from your new craft room! And your fur-babies are just precious!!

  12. This is GORGEOUS! You amaze me, really. I can't believe all the beautiful details that you added to this. I would LOVE to craft in there. :)

    You've got to link this up to my Show & Share party on Wednesday!

  13. I'm taking notes. Actually I'm pinning this to my craft room board. Putting doors on your cubbies was genius. I hate looking at messy storage almost as much as I hate to dust...this is perfect! Also love the cabinet turned craft storage and that magnet board. Plus I'm jealous of your typewriter...I want one too Great job! Enjoy!

  14. Ohhh that looks so fabulous. I love the idea of using curtain hooks for those little buckets. I'm also a sucker for blue mason jars. looooove

  15. I am literally drooling over your craft room. It is so pretty! That fruit stand full of supplies made my heart skip a beatandthe IKEA cubbies refashioned with doors??? Wow. You are truly talented.

  16. Love the room! Love your front door! Your whole house looks cute. (From what you have shared with us!!)

  17. YAY!!!! I'm so glad I finally got to see your space! It looks sooooo pretty! It definetly has your touch and looks so beautiful! Great job on the Ikea bookshelf! You are amazing! Miss you!

  18. Beautiful craft room! I love all your little baskets and jars and storage. And your dogs are just precious!

  19. Jaime you did such an amazing job! I absolutely love that Ikea cabinet and the little clip boards add just the perfect touch. I just started working on my office/craft room and I think we used very similar wall color. What a great space you have going on there!

  20. What a wonderful room! I would LOVE to come and craft with you! So much great organization - those little buckets are so cute. And you even have a Silhouette storage! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark - I love having you and can't seem to stop featuring all of your wonderful projects!
    Jenn :)

  21. Great room I would love to craft with you mine never stays that clean and really like the big J is it paper mache??

  22. Oh and this one too!! WOW!! How gorgeous!

  23. Great job on this craft room. I have a room that is half office half craft and half way complete! LOL I'd love if you linked up to my MoMomma Monday Party

  24. I wish I had that space to create in! So awesome!


  25. A D O R A B L E !

    Thank you so much for sharing it at the link party!

  26. very lovely craft room. :) love your wire baskets...where did you find them? i've been on a hunt for some and haven't been able to find any. also love your magnetic board...such a cute idea. :)

  27. OKAY....that storage is so freakin wonderful! I love the colors, the doors, the little clipboards-great job! And a craft room has to be a little means you are actually using it, right?! I am trying to make my craft room more organized and pretty right now and you are giving me great inspiration!

  28. Wonderful, worth the wait--I want one! Thanks for sharing at Beyond the Picket Fence.

  29. I love love your craft room and featured it today on my blog for Craft Week!!!

  30. I really really really like your craftroom. I'm quite sure I'll be borrowing some of these ideas!

    Also, here's a new follower :)


  31. Thanks for linking this up @ Show & Share. Love the support from you!

  32. Wow!!! I just wanna move in. I love love love the cubbies. I have never been to Ikea (not one in Alabama) but I get their catalog. and oh my, it's probably a good thing I don't live near one; I'd spend my whole paycheck there!
    thanks for sharing your wonderful craft room!

  33. I love the room!~ the jars and the mini clipboards! and---if your space works for you...that's all that counts! Mine's been a disaster but I am cleaning and organizing the flylady way--15 minutes at at time! And yeah, I've posted the disaster pictures as well as the progress! Blessings, Sharon

  34. I know this comment doesn't really pertain to your craft room but I had to write it somewhere and since my comment is about organization I thought it would go nicely here. Obviously I noticed that your blog changed quite some time ago. What I didn't notice is how easy it is to find past projects now!! I'm so excited about that part. I have found myself going to your blog to remember how to do something but then giving up because I can't even remotely remember what month it was done, sometimes I struggle with the year:) Anyhow...this new archive of easy to get to past project is the best!

  35. Just wanted to let you know that I featured this today! Grab a button if you'd like!

  36. Can I come over and play?!? ;) What an awesome job! So inspiring, I love it!

  37. I am totally coveting your craft room! I love the cubbies and the mason jars on top too.

  38. You had me with the picture of the two Goldens. Can I come over and bring mine with me? He loves to lay in my craft room. Will pick up random scraps with his nose. Ha!

  39. Posting another comment to see if I fixed my reply status. Hope you don't mind. :O)

  40. Live this room! And totally loving what you did with the shelf! I bought one for my craft room and once it was put together I realized I had brought home the wrong one. Lost the receipt and long story short, cannot return it. I think I'll borrow your idea and make lockers for my boys' room! Thanks for the inspiration! I"m featuring it today!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  41. I've found you through Somewhat Simple. Your craft room is amazing! You've done a great job of organizing in a really practical way and it's gorgeous! Must be a pleasure to work there. Cheers!

  42. Love your use of mason jars, come show em off!

  43. OMGoodness this is so awesome! I just finished my new crafty room re-do. You can see it here if you would like:
    I would love for you to come and link up with the frog this week, party just started today!
    Hope to see you there!

  44. Could you please link up this awesomeness to the Roomspiration: Craft Rooms? I would love to have you join the party! Hope to see you there!

  45. This room is amazing. I mean. a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

  46. Love your room. I am finishing up the reorganization of my own craft rooom and hope to post pictures soon too. I got three surplus school tables and that has allowed me to develop stations. I also have a sewing machine with a view. AND I keep my buttons and odd bits in ball jars too!! Your ideas are great.

  47. Just now finding your blog through Pinterest and I LOVE it! I would be in heaven if I could come over and craft :) great work!!!!


Your comments mean the world to me!