
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Playing with Clay.

Hello friends!  I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far!  I have been keeping busy trying to decide where I am going to finally start working!  You would maybe think two offers would be a great thing... but turns out it makes things hard also!!! 
Regardless I am blessed with a huge choice in my near future which is a bit time consuming! 
To get my mind off of things last night I had some fun playing with clay! 

I bought this clay months ago and just never got around to getting it out to play....until last night!
Let me tell you, if you don't mind a bit of a messy project and if you can see past imperfections it is quite a fun craft!

I made a couple of fun projects with the clay that I will be sharing throughout this week but I thought I would start today with my first mini project and a nice and long-winded tutorial just in case you want to play with clay too!

Here is one of my finished projects---sweet and simple but meaningful to me.
-Just what I like-

So this is the clay that I used, I found it at either Michaels or JoAnne Fabric, I can't remember (it was a few months ago).  I do know that it was $9.99 which at the time I had a coupon for half off so it made things more reasonable.  
I do have to say the clay will last you awhile....
I made a few little projects and haven't even come close to using 1/4 of the pack....  I now have it stored in a freezer bag and it seems to be keeping just fine.

So I just rolled my clay out.

Cut it into the shapes I wanted (you could for sure use cookie cutters for this).

Then  had fun with some stamps that  have in my hoards of crafty tools. 
I used alphabet letters that had a nice typewriter look that were from the dollar section at Michaels awhile back!

Then you let your clay harden overnight 
(my clay hardened this way, I know many other types you have to bake....I thought this was simple but you do have that waiting period).
Next you can sand down your edges if they aren't perfect---mine for sure needed a bit of help to look a bit more rounded and nice.
Then I painted my hardened clay projects a base color (I used old white chalk paint).

Then use a top color you want your words or stamped images to be highlighted in....  Nothing fancy with this step just kind of glob some paint on and then lightly wash the excess off with a damp cloth.

The more you whip the excess paint off the more--back to the white color you will get.
(The picture above is a bit "green tinted" still because it needed more cleaning with the clean damp cloth).

Then I used a Glaze to seal everything and to give it a bit of a muted shine finish.

So so so not perfect.
But it makes me happy!

I used a couple of your favorite quotes once again that you shared with me via my last giveaway because they were just such great words!

I am SUPER excited to show you my other clay finished products!  
(I am sure you noticed a few extras in one of the pictures)
Stay tuned!


Andddd I wanted to say I am SOO excited, thrilled and NERVOUS all at the same time----I am hosting my first ever link party this coming Thrusday...
Pleassseeeee plan to link up if you can OR just check it out!!
You guys are the best and I just can't wait to see what you are up to!


Anddddd, PLEASE go and check out my current giveaway with Bok Bok B'gerk's etsy shop by clicking here.

I am linking up here


  1. Hey Jamie boo..Congrats on your offers, I'm sure you will make the right choice just today Bella and I 'clayed'.... Most favourite thing to do....
    The plaque looks so darling ...great work as usual...xo

  2. Super cute! Had no idea what different things you can do with clay!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Chrissy @

  3. Cool idea. It looks almost leather in the picture. I love using stamps on clay! I totally want to link up on Thursday!

  4. I love that it is not perfect. That's what makes it, 'perfect'. The beauty of imperfection.

  5. Jaime, this is simply one of my favorite things I have seen you do-and you do alot of fab crafts! I'd attempted to do a clay project once and it turned out to be a disaster but after seeing this I may have to give this a try. I love the sweet saying and color of the lettering. Would look darling on as part of gift wrap as well!

  6. this is so much fun! you're so creative Jaime!!

  7. Aww..this is fun project.. love it !!! Wish we had these stamps here in Dubai..

    Keep crafting Jamie..

    Do visit mine's and let me know what you think..(I'm newbie in blog land..just moved in 3 days back)

    god bless,

  8. jamie,
    you are inspiring me with my own quote! I love the quote stamped in clay. I need to find some of those cute stamps for m'self! (ignoring the "use what you have" I guess lol! but then I will do what I can!)

  9. The little touches like that always make a room! Thanks again for linking up!


  10. I love you clay creations!! This is great! I am also a HUGE polymer clay fan. I have done a few over on my blog as well :)

  11. love it! you are so talented! I seriously am amazed at each and everyone of your projects!

    I would love it if you would share this and/or any other projects you have been up to at Tuesday Talent Show at Chef In Training Tomorrow! Plus there is going to be a fun giveaway too! Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!

  12. Love this idea. I even have some I've not used yet and it's already turquoise...


Your comments mean the world to me!