
Friday, October 14, 2011

A card catalogue BIG TIME up-cycled!!! {Anddddd boyyyy would I love for you to go and vote!!}

Hello wonderful blog friends!  
I had some fun up-cycling this week!!!!
It is fun to be part of American Crafter because it is inspiring me to do projects that I have been putting off----- likkkee this one! 
The themes of this weeks challenge was "House of Order" 
Anddd if there is one area that I am constantly trying to organize more it is my craft space!!!
Sooooo I up-cycled this guy:

I really really would love for you to go over to this weeks challenge and vote!!!!
And check out the other amazingly inspiring project because----I don't know about you, but I can always use organization inspiration!!

Buttt before you do, let me show you some of the details of my organization project!!!

This treasure sure didn't start out as a treasure... it started out as a blue beast that was free on the side of the road!!
The blue beast weights about a million pounds but was worth the struggle to move it
{like seriously my hubby almost made me leave it behind when we found it because it was SOOO hard to lift---good thing I am very persuasive!}

Because I really really like the final product!
anddd it was so fun to up-cycle!
{a little time consuming.... buttt fun anyways!  I mean when ANYTHING has twelve drawers is going to be a "project"}

 I started out by painting each drawer and the outside white
and then I just used good ol mod podge to secure and cover all of the paper on the sides
and then I used black ink and a sponge to "distress" and highlight each drawer and the sides of file cabinet.

I even took time to line the drawers!!!

and it is amazing how quickly I was able to fill and organize the drawers!

It really made all of the work worth it!!!

Ohhh andddd I had some fun spray painting some magnets to help me stay even more organized!
{I even made some flower magnets--fun right?!?}

What do you think? 
Would you have taken the time to clean and up-cycle the card catalogue?!???

I am linking up at a few of my favorite parties!!!


  1. That is so beautiful! I love the fun paper that you chose! I have got to go out thrifting, you are just so inspiring! Such a fun new piece to have! Enjoy!

  2. Oh my word, I love this!!!!! So perfect!

  3. Wow this looks so great! Amazing what you can make look cute with just a little work. You did a really good job on this project :)

  4. Jaime! This is amazing! I want one! Fabulous job and I certainly voted! :)

  5. Wow did such an amazing job! I already hopped over to Nap Time Crafters to vote for you. :)

  6. This is amazing! I'm not sure I would have had the patience to do this, but it turned out great! I voted for you.

  7. Looks great! Awesome upcycle. Off to vote for you!

  8. I went and voted for you. I love it.

  9. I am soooo jealous! Compartments = love!! I most definitely voted for you, you were my favorite project by far!

  10. I love these. You are so lucky to find them. I need to get out there and look for one of these. I love the transformation!!!!

    I linked up another project. I am hosting a giveaway on my blog. Pass the word along.


  11. I went over and voted for you. So many wonderful projects this week.

    Good luck!!


  12. Okay, so how is it you were lucky enough to find this on the side of the road???? It's just too cute now:)

  13. Wow, it was a blue beast! And what is it with you and drawers? First the 25 drawer beauty and now this. You did a great job refinishing it! I'll vote for you :)

  14. It looks awesome!! I wonder how you keep finding all these great library items! I told the hubs if he ever sees a card catalog he HAS to snag it for me!!

  15. Girl, you are on a roll!!! You've got my vote!

  16. Can I just say jaw hit floor on this one !!! OMG Jamie this is beautiful. Heading over to vote right now. HUGS !!!!

  17. That's such a cool old thing! What a lucky find! I love how you've got magnets on it too! Such a functional piece!

  18. This looks amazing!!!


  19. That is awesome! I would LOVE one of these darn cabinets for my crafts and supplies. It's so much easier to organize when you have somewhere fun and pretty to put it. Going to vote!

  20. That looks amazing! I've been looking for a card catalog for awhile and can't wait to redo one when I finally find it.

    Just noticed on the One Month to Win It page that you are competing too! I'm excited for it to start.

  21. Yay! Just saw that you soared through another round! congrats are due and well deserved! Can't wait to see what you come up with next :)

  22. This is one of my favorite projects yet!! Beautiful!!! Where do you find the time!?1?!

  23. Great job Jamie!! What an awesome piece to add to your craft all the fun designs on it!

  24. great look and I can imagine how very useful

  25. you really found that beauty on the side of the road?! luuuuucccckkkky! i am jealous! thank good for strong husbands huh?!

    your makeover looks amazing! i love the drawers!

  26. WOW- that's one of the most amazing makeovers I've ever seen!! Great job, it's so cute and it's practical too.

  27. WOW! I am so jealous that you found this! I would love to find a card catalog!!!

    You did a fantastic job!

    Sarah @ This Crazy Blessed Life

  28. Oh how cool! I would love to find something like that on the side of the road. Score!! Nice project. :)

  29. Oh my goodness. What a pretty project. And you have a great blog. I've had fun during my visit here!

    Warmly, Michelle

  30. wow! that is beautiful. I love the elegance of the black and white! I want it :) Thank you so much for sharing and linking up to our party Show and Share. Make sure to come back this week and link up your latest projects. We would love to see them.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  31. OMgosh, that turned out AWESOME!! Love the blue color, too bad is was so rough. You did an amazing job upcycling though. It really is gorgeous. =)

  32. beauty & function married perfectly


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