
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {11} with Co-host Delightfully Noted

Hello friends!!!  Happy Happy Wednesday NIGHT!!!  :o)
I want to THANK YOU Ssoooo much for all of the wonderful support this week with my One Month To Win It competition!!!!  Can't wait to share which project was mine!!!

And did you take a minute to get to know our AMAZING co-host this week?!  
Jennifer from Delightfully Noted is just wonderful!!!!  
Seriously get to know her and go drool over her etsy shop while you are at it!!!

Andddd nowww----- time to highlight some of my favorite projects from this past week!!!
I am BLOWN away by your AMAZING ideas!!!

Ummmmmm not only is this tutorial amazing but so is my new Blog BFF Liz---seriously check out how to make your own chalk paint!!!
Head over to Liz Marie Blog to see how!

And seriously my friend Deborah is AMAZING at up-cycling funny that her blog is Upcycling my very ordinary life----isn't this great?!

And ahhhhhh these cookie monster cupcakes just make me SO happy!!!

Check out this burlap wreath crafted by Strawberries and sweet love-----beautiful I love it----whyyyy do I have to be allergic to the stuff????? Can I just have this one so I don't actually have to craft with the stuff???

Another wonderful blog friend of mine and talented blogger Lindsay from Southern Lovely has the cutest little gals to make things like these sweet tights for!!

Andddd I ADORE ADORE this beautiful headboard made by Corner House Blog---WOW this is amazing!  
And I have to say I love the duvet cover---- 
{I happen to have the same one in my master bedroom}

Check out this amazing bike tire wreath that C.W. Frosting made----so cool and clever!

LOVE LOVE LOVE----and I think you can guess why!
Crafted Niche---can we have a craft day to make pup inspired projects soon??

And last but NOT least is this beauty-----WOW do I LOVE this beautifully aged cabinet that
the homeless finch shows you exactly how to perfect the look.... 

Feel free to grab a feature button amazingly talented friends!!!


And NOW---
I can't wait to see what you are up to this week!!!
The only rules and requests:
Have fun linking up anything Crafty Scrappy & Happy--no etsy shops or giveaways please!
Be a follower of Crafty Scrappy Happy and Jennifer from Delightfully noted if you would!!!
Grab a party button!



  1. Thank you for hosting and I Love Love your bedroom makeover!

  2. Thank you for hosting another party! And I wanted to thank you for featuring my burlap wreath! You made my day girlie!

  3. Great party Jamie and Jennifer! Thanks for gals are the best!!

  4. Yeah!! I'm glad I made it here and I'm early. Thanks for hosting.


  5. Thanks SO much for featuring little Roxy's bed! She's super excited about it. :-) ...annnnnd I'm on my phone tonight and it kept screwing up. I accidentally linked the same project twice. So sorry! Can you delete the second one? :-) thanks again!!!

  6. Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting. FABULOUS features this week!!
    Jenn :)

  8. Waking up this morning & seeing that I'm featured on Crafty, Scrappy, Happy?? PRICELESS :) You made my day bestie... haha I hope you are having a great week!!!

    xx Liz Marie

  9. Thanks friend, you are SO sweet to feature my tights! I adore you & your blog and am always happy to link up here!

  10. I'm your newest follower - thanks for hosting. Really enjoy your blog!

  11. Thanks for hosting! I by mistake linked up twice!

  12. So excited to join your linky party!!! Thanks for all your inspiration & for hosting!!!

  13. Hey Jamie!

    Good luck this week over at OMTWI. I'm so glad I didn't have to choose which one to vote for...all the projects were amazing! Can't wait to see which one was yours! Have a great week.:)

    Ginger @

  14. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Such a HUGE compliment!!:) Got the 'feature' button and will be thanking you in the next few days on my blog!!! :)

  15. Thank you for hosting another great party! AJ@queenofmynest

  16. Loving that cabinet! Thanks for sharing...

  17. So busy over here, not sure if I linked my craft this week or not?!?!? Well, if it shows up twice, sorry. Jaime, you are going to LOVE my craft in a couple of weeks. Friends of mine and I have been working on the project since Septemeber (off and on, it wouldn't have really taken that long).

  18. Thanks so much for the feature! I just made some chalk paint w/ that same recipe... it totally WORKS!! but I'm sure it will take me forever to write a post about it.

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  19. Thanks for hosting!! Hope to see you at Random Acts of Kindness Week starting tomorrow!! :)


  20. Jaime,

    Thanks for hosting. I'm happy to be over at your place. I know you need a break from crafting, but what else on earth would you do if you had free time???


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