
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {12} AND a Christmas count down!

Happy Happy Mid-week friends!
I have been having SO much fun crafting this week!  And I found a few treasure to fix up this past weekend sooooo I am finally getting everything photographed and ready to share with YOU---FINALLY right?! 
Sooo instead of sharing my favorite projects linked up at last weeks party I am going to share my first FUN project that I have done in awhile!!!  

I LOVE Christmas countdowns........
And I think I own about 3 buttttt since they were from my life before crafting I HAD to make a new one this year!

Simple.  Easy to change the numbers.  Just what I was wishing for!

I found the numbers at Hobby Lobby----I used them in my bedroom makeover a few weeks ago and have since been wanting to use the for everything!
They are PERFECT for the countdown!

The holder for the numbers is just a painted scrabble letter holder. 
{I hoard scrabble games because I like to use ever piece of the game in crafts}
--The first time I used a scrabble holder was in this project this past spring--

I just super glued the holder on and also super glued the string suspending the snow flakes as well!

For right now I am just counting down to Thanksgiving----and really the day after so I can officially guilt free bring out ALL of my Christmas decor!!!

Sooooooo are you ready to PARTY!!???!!! 
I can't wait to see what you have been up to this week!!!

The only rules and requests for this party:
Have fun linking up anything Crafty Scrappy & Happy--no etsy shops or giveaways please!
Be a follower of Crafty Scrappy Happy if you would!!!
Grab a party button!


And p.s. I am linking up my count down at some of my favorite parties this week!


  1. This project is adorable (as per usual)! Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  2. Oh Jaime I looooove it! It's beautiful and charming and totally Jaime! Is that just a scrap wood piece that you painted or did you buy like a...12x12 piece of wood to make it? Ya case I need to copy it. :)

  3. Okay ... that's adorable! I LOVE the font I actually just did my own holiday sign w/ that font too! :)

    It's super cute!

    Pamela @

  4. I love your count down to cute!! Thanks for hosting the party!

  5. Love your countdown! So smart to use that scrabble piece :) Thanks for hosting such a fun party.

  6. I love your countdown. It turned out perfectly!!! It also made me realize we don't have a countdown. hmmmm..... Thanks for hosting!

  7. Hi Jaime! Love your countdown board! I search everywhere for scrabble games but have not had any luck. I'll keep looking tho'. Thanks so much for hosting =)

  8. Jaime, that countdown is FABulous! LOVE it! You did a gorgeous job!!

  9. That is so adorable! You are talented, friend! Thanks for hosting! I am always happy to share here!

  10. Thanks for hosting!
    Brooke from

  11. I love your Christmas countdown. So pretty. I've been looking for some metal (or metal looking) letters. Did Hobby Lobby have letters too?

  12. I LOVE your Christmas countdown, love it! I will have to make a trip to the craft store this wknd to make one, thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Oh I LOVE LOVE your Christmas countdown!! It rocks!!!

  14. Okay, that first link up, stencil one, is actually amazing. I am suprised how much I love it! Great inspiration this week...thanks for hosting.

  15. I love your Christmas countdown! Thanks for sharing. And, thanks for hosting the party!!!

  16. I'm linking up here. I love your new project. It's fantastic.

  17. LOVE It!!!!! So awesome. I want one. :)

  18. Easy to do every one and I started to work on it. I took some of the quotations from bible and real things, Every year I am doing a great things in Christmas and really enjoying on that days.

  19. Thanks for hosting! It's my first time to your party! I love your countdown project and would love to have you share it at my party! BTW- I pinned your countdown project.

  20. Thanks for hosting my bloggy friend! I linked up my Citrasolv transfer bag. It's not near as neat and crisp as yours, but it's not bad for my first try :)

  21. I just bought these same numbers from Hobby Lobby!! I had no idea what to do with them but couldn't pass them up!! What a great idea!!

  22. Oh my goodness, what an awesome Christmas countdown! I don't know what I like best because every detail is perfect. I can't wait til I can get my decorations up either!! Thanks for hosting. AJ@queenofmynest

  23. This is a good one for the little one's who are always asking 'how many more days' (smile) love this project. I'm a new follower, please drop by for a visit when you have a chance.

  24. I love it! I was at my favorite store..Home Goods yesterday. They have tons of christmas countdowns..all amazing BUT not comparable to this!
    Love it, Love it.
    Can you make me something for christmas? The heck with store bought. I want a homemade christmas present. haha.
    The JOY hooks were beautiful too. You should check out Home Goods for some amazing, unique, inexpensive wreaths. Do you have Home Goods? Can't remember...

  25. I am totally in love with that count down. Thank you so much for linking up to last weeks show and share. Make sure to come back and link up this week with your latest project.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of yellow

  26. I love it girl!! Making it a feature in tomorrow's party!! :)

  27. Love this countdown to Christmas piece!

  28. You know me loves you and all your amazing projects ! xo


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