
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {14} with Co-host Love Sweet Love

Hello Friends!!! 
Are you ready to party?!?

First let me highlight a couple of wonderful projects that knocked my socks off this past week!!!

I LOVE this AMAZING sign made by the wonderful blogger behind Crafted Niche

And you will just be amazed at how simple Its Over Flowing makes this look via this tutorial!!!  What an amazing gift idea!

Anddddd I LOVE this mirror.  LOVE.  Check out how Junk vagabond made it!!

I am SO lucky to have such a great co-host this week----simply said, Angela is the best. 
I hope you took some time to get to know her this week---her blog {Love Sweet Love} is great and she is SUCH a great blog friend to know!!!

This is a double link party so anything you link up here will also so up over at my blog----
And I just can't wait to see what kind of crafts and fun stuff you are up to!!!

The only rules and requests for this party:
Have fun linking up anything Crafty Scrappy & Happy--no etsy shops or giveaways please!
Be a follower of Crafty Scrappy Happy and Love Sweet Love if you would!!!
Grab a party button!



  1. I love Love Sweet Love (and that's odd to type out). Thanks for hosting!

  2. Oh how I love your link party each week! Thanks for hosting friend!

  3. Hi Jaime,

    I joined your link party. :-)

    There are so many great posts.


  4. Thanks so so much for hosting, lovely girls!!! Mwah! big kissies...

  5. Thanks SO much Jaime! You're the bestest blogger friend ever! :-) Too sweet of you to feature my Water St. sign. Thanks oodles and oodles!

  6. Hi BFF!!! Hope your Thanksgiving was GREAT! Thanks for featuring my Charmed Soap Tutorial! You have no idea how many times I clicked on your site so I could be on the top of your linky party!!! :) Thanks for hosting!!! Fun to stop by and meet Angela, too!!!

    Aimee from

  7. Thanks for the fab party Jaime! Hope you are having a great week!
    Jenn :)

  8. Hi Jaime! Thanks for featuring my mirror project - I'm so excited that you like it :) Linking up some more mirrors at your co-hosts party...which I'm a new follower of - thanks for introducing us :)

  9. Linking up...thanks for the party! LOVE the features from last week. Such pretty things!

  10. Such fun to see so many great projects. Thanks for hosting. I'm off to visit posts and posts and posts.

  11. Hi! Jaime~

    I'm here. Last week was busy and I didn't even have a chance to post anything. I've posted my son's new bed. I am so excited as I see his room coming together.
    Glad to hear that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family.

  12. Hi Jaime! I'm late to the party, but I made it! Glad to be here to mingle with you ladies this week :)


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