
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Okayyyy I know you might think I am a little crazy!

Sooo let me explain....
Awhile back I submitted project auditions for not one (like a smart person would) but TWO crafting competitions...  At the time I figured that it was highly unlikely that I would be invited to participate in either.  Andddd iffff I did I also figured that I would not be in them long enough for it to really matter if I did do them both.  WELL.  I think some of you might know how this story ends.  I not only had the opportunity to participate in American Crafter but I also ended up winning first place!  WoW-zers!  I am still shocked and thrilled and honored and well all of the emotions in between mainly because of all of the support that I felt like I had through out the entire process!  You guys have truly blown me away with kindness. 
But here is where I feel a little bad, a little embarrassed and well just plain dumb telling you that I am in ANOTHER crafting competition that started today.  One Month to Win it.  I NEVER thought I would WIN either contests {like I said, I didn't think I would even get a chance to BE in EITHER competition} and now that I have won the first I feel bad even being part of the second. 
Not because I think I would win----
that is SO not the case,
but because I just feel bad bogging you guys down--
my readers
by more requests to go and check out projects and such. 
Soooo maybe I can just mention it in passing after today...
All you do, IF you want to check it out is:
Go over and vote NOT knowing which blog author did each project----
just pick your favorite! 

Anddddd now that I am all rested up from my crazy 3 day bedroom makeover I will be sharing some new fun crafts and up-cycles soon!!!
But for now, seriously---you guys mean the world to me!


  1. I went over and voted. There was one project there that seemed to yell out Jaime to me. I hope I'm right. Good luck with this competition. I have to try one of these. How did you find out about it?


  2. You don't have to be so humble. Enjoy the contest for what it is and kick some butt for us! I promise I wouldn't have voted unless I really thought your work rocked... and it hasn't let me down yet. You have some awesome ideas and I look forward to following you along in this contest to. Good luck!! Off to go vote :)

  3. How exciting! I love your projects and am so happy for you that you are rocking these competitions! I voted!

  4. I am so late coming over to say CONGRATS on winning first place! That is so awesome (and definitely expected considering how great your projects were).
    I'm excited about OMTWI and can't wait to see which of this week's projects you did.

  5. I love that One Month to Win it!! Don't worry about having anyone go look at the stuff on the other site. It is what most of us would be doing know staring at our computer looking at all yours and other neat stuff....then voting and dreaming of what we can come up with too! (wink) Good luck with it, and congrats on the other!

  6. Congrats again on winning the American Crafter! You rocked it!!! You are not bogging down your readers! We love this stuff; that's why we follow your blog. Some of us are not ready to enter any competitions but are living vicariously through you :). I'm off to vote now...

  7. yay I'm heading over there to vote now! Hope you win again :)

  8. Oh goodness! Congrats on both. I am fairly new to your blog so I apparently have some catching up to do:) Off to go vote though! Congrats again!

  9. Oh I totally knew which one was yours!! Which is so good you have a distinct style. You're amazing lady :)

    Pamela @

  10. Congrats on your win! Don't feel bad at all for what you are putting a lot of effort into! There is a reason you rocked and you worked hard!

    I went and voted. I think I know what one was yours :) And if I'm right, it was the only one that called out my name. lol.

    Best of luck.

    ~ Jessica

  11. Hi Jaime - I think I figured which one was yours and I voted. Good luck!

  12. Congratulations Jaime!!! How very exciting! I am so glad you won the contest.I am not surprised thought because you did a marvelous job! :))

  13. Thanks so much for coming by my blog and commenting on the Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Bread! I hope you give it a try!

  14. That's what bloggy friends are for and I'm happy to support awesomeness!!

  15. You said it Jamie you are crazy and I love ya for it !!! But aren't we all. Best of luck with this one. I have a feeling I figured out your project. It has your sense of style. BIG HUGS !!!!

  16. Wow, girl not sure where you find all this energy and inspiration but there's nothing wrong with going while the going is good:) Congrats on the win and I'm heading over to vote for the other competition. Good luck!

  17. Congrats on winning!! So hoping I picked out the right project to vote on. Love to support you as you support all of us. Good luck!!

  18. If it makes you feel any better, I really enjoyed seeing ALL the entries from the last contest. So, I am glad that you are in another one! lol I just went and voted. btw. :)

  19. Congrats!! I voted! I am pretty sure I found your project :) It's your style and it had meaning!!!:) Good Luck!!!

  20. Wow, Jaime! Congratulations on winning American Crafter! You deserve it, girl!


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