
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {19} and some AMAZING features!!!

Happy Linky-Party day my friends!
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
I am so honored and thrilled to share just a few of my favorite link ups this past....
seriously you guys blow me away!!!

Isn't this just the most amazing wall art EVER?!  
Ohhhh Lovely Etc. you are crazy cool.... and if this isn't enough proof for you.... 
Check this out:

She stenciled her floors----{and this happens to be the stencil that I love and have played with myself} seriously I have never seen anyone stencil floors before--- this is AMAZING!

Ohhhh and this bench.... well I am in love.  LOVE.  
I love the different color stripes.
Yayyy Fab Rehab Creations----you rock!!!  

And of course I am so so sooooo crazy about puppies that I HAVE to love this sweet DIY dog bed!!!  I swear Roxy from Crafted Niche is SO SO lucky to have such a great space!

And finally..... once again---- Lucy from Craftberry Bush-----is AMAZING what an amazing spin on Valentines decor right?!
Goodness she just blows me away!!!!

Okay guys now it is time to share what you have been up to this week-----

Here are the rules:
no etsy shops, no giveaways.
anything crafty, scrappy and or happy is GREAT to link up!!!
Just please grab a party button and put it somewhere on your blog or specific post----totally up to you!
And I would LOVE for you to be a friend and follower of this blog :o)
That's all!
Can't wait to see what you have been up to this week!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Thanks for hosting friend! I accidentally posted mine twice, so you can delete one. :)

  2. Thank you Jamie! Glad you liked my bench...and thanks for hosting!

  3. Thanks Jaime! I hope your week is going along fabulously!

  4. Thanks for hosting, as always, Jaime!

    Smiles, Suzanne

  5. Love your picks. Love the white frame/wire/delicate leaves from paper heart. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Thanks for hosting, sweet Jaime-girl...

  7. Thanks for hosting and for featuring my sign and floors!

  8. You are toooo sweet! I'm so glad you liked Roxy's crate bed! She's sleeping in it right this minute. :-)

  9. Thanks for hosting Jaime! I'm late to the party again, but I made it :)

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower and new to your link party, from The Latest Find! I love your site! You have some great decorating ideas! I'm linking up, and also adding your party button to my "all the latest parties" page! Thanks for hosting, looking forward to more of your link parties!!


Your comments mean the world to me!