
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let me explain my bloggy vacation----you see my little baby sister is getting married on Thursday!!!

Hello friends!
I wanted to take a moment to say hi, I miss you, happy new year anddddd I am sorry.
Yes, I am sorry because I know I have been really really neglecting you guys lately....
BUTTTT my little baby sister is getting married this week anddd well, 
I have officially decided to put all of my energy into her.
The beautiful bride.
My amazing sister.
Andddd I just really want to enjoy my family and remember each and every moment without worrying about my normal/real life....
I hope you can understand.

Thank you all for being patient with my time away and I am SO looking forward to getting back to blogging and having some fun in 2012!!!!
Just not until NEXT week.



  1. Enjoy your week! We'll all be here when you get back. ;)

  2. i wish my sister was still here so that i could tell her how much i miss her. enjoy your sister and your family. the bride will be beautiful....the day will be happy....and you will have some great moments. we'll still be here.

  3. Love you tons!! Can't wait to celebrate with you!

  4. Congrats to your sister! I think it is great that you are taking this time to focus on her and help in any way you can. We'll be here when you get back {hopefully you bring pics!} so go and enjoy this time!

  5. The dress you show in the post is VERY similar to my baby sister's dress. Is that your sister's dress? It's gorgeous!

  6. Congrats to your sister, how very exciting! Have a wonderful time!

  7. have fun! i can't wait to hear all about it!

  8. Enjoy this special time. Don't worry, we wont go anywhere. You can never get back the special time of your sister getting married. My sis got married 25 years ago and I still remember riding in her car with windows open signing mmmmmmBOP at the top of our lungs on the way to some wedding function. Enjoy...

  9. Happy New Year, Jaime!! Enjoy every minute with your baby sister this week. It is a special time. my baby sister married this past August.


  10. Such a beautiful dress! Enjoy every single minute Jaimie and we'll catch up later!!! Congratulations to the bride!!! I little baby sister had her special day two years ago and it's one of my favorite memories!!! XO!

  11. Enjoy this most joyous special day!

  12. exciting. I don't think I've ever heard of a wedding on a weekday! That's an idea I'll have to consider ;)

  13. Enjoy the time! Make some beautiful memories. Happy New Year to you!

  14. Best wishes to you and your family on the special day....looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2012.......
    Diane Poppydots....Bonny Scotland x x x

  15. Have a wonderful time and best wishes to your sister and her husband as they start their new life together!

  16. Congrats to your sis! My daughter got hitched just last weekend (hope you'll check out the pics sometime on the blog...we did tons of DIY crafty stuff for her rustic chic theme).

    You're a great big sis, and we'll be here when you're done celebrating with her :)

  17. Congrats to your sister! Did you have any DIY projects for the wedding?



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