
Friday, January 13, 2012

What I know.

Happy Happy Friday friends!!!!!!
I am so so so excited and honored to be over at one of my favorite blog friend's place today---
she has this amazing series where she has friends come over and share "what they know".
Andddd although I might not know a lot....
I did have fun coming up with a little list of things.
And I have to start the list by saying that I KNOW that I love blogging and making blog friends just like Lindsay (Linds as I call her). 
And I think you should really take a minute to go over and check out my post but more importantly her blog Southern Lovely.

{And just in case you are curious}



  1. I know that I always enjoy your posts and look forward to them. I am heading over to visit her blog.


  2. Yes, it was a great guest post and I am SO happy to have it at my place. :) Thanks friend!

  3. I checked out your post, lovely! And my favorite is your dental nerd art! I love the stuff you picked, too fun. I have a good friend named Lindsey and I always abbreviate her name that way, too, even though she doesn't. Funny.


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