
Monday, February 20, 2012

Candy Jar Etching

Sooo I have something to admit.
I have a HUGE weakness.
I. LOVE. Easter. Candy.
I mean LOVE.
Sooooo although I know it is a little early for Easter decor...
I couldn't stop myself from making an Easter candy jar...
{because lets face it, it was the perfect excuse to stock up on Robin's Eggs and Jellybeans!}

Andddd I had a chance to try out a technique I have been meaning to try for some time now!

Sweet and simple.
Just my style.
And I bet you would have never guessed that my sweet candy jar started out as a pickle jar....
Okay so maybe you would have :o)
But and simple---YES PLEASE!

Cutest pickle jar around right?!?

And yes I had to decorate the top with scrapbook paper and ribbon...

And Here is the "How To" part for the etching.

Clean out your pickle jar.
Cut a vinyl image {I used my silhouette cutter to do this part} or use a stencil and tape it to your jar.

Paint a thick layer of the etch on the glass.
And rinse off in a few minutes... {although the directions say 60 seconds}
You may wish to repeat the etching part twice.... I did because I wanted the image more noticeable...
perhaps I should have left the etch on longer?

Anyways, I like the look.
Not to obvious but festive at the same time.

What do you think?
Do I have you thinking about your favorite Easter Candy now?!?

And I must give all inspiration credit to the AMAZING Darby over at Life with the Hawleys!

She etched her pyrex------talk about clever right?!?!?

I am linking up my project at some of these amazing parties---be sure to check them out for some amazing inspiration!!!!



  1. Cute! I will have to try that! Thanks Jaime!
    Stacey :)

  2. It's so cute! I didn't know etching was that easy! Thanks for sharing, maybe i'll have to try it :)

  3. Well I have to admit I have a weakness for Easter Candy too- especially Jelly Beans when it is decision making time ;)
    AND Thanks for the jar etching how-to... I feel scrap-ier, craftier, and happier already!

  4. So cute! So cute! So cute! A pickle jar?! Duh, how have I never thought to do that... ha ha, LOVE it!

  5. I'm inspired - LOVE IT! I did a pickle jar snowglobe, but now you got me thinking of all the other possibilities for a pickle jar:)!

  6. Oh my gosh Easter candy is the best candy around! I could never be on a diet in the spring because I'm obsessed with Easter candy. Robins eggs, those sweet tarts shaped as bunnies & chics, cadberry eggs, reeses peanut butter eggs. YUM! Oh my gosh I want some now....

  7. Oh, this is so interesting! I had no idea how to do this, but I am SO glad you gave such a great tutorial! Thanks for sharing Jaime!

  8. Thanks for the tutorial.
    This is very interesting and
    looks fairly easy.
    Oh how I Love Easter candy, too!~

  9. I do want to try glass etching! Your project is super cute. :)

  10. So cute!!! I love easter candy too!! I am sadly not decorating for Easter this year! Too much else going on and having my son's b-day party the day before.... but I can't wait to see what else you do!!!

  11. so cute! i love the little chick stencil. Adorable. Happy Blogiversary! I found you through Little Lucy Lu. I'm a new follower through GFC and Linky Followers. I hope you'll follow me back!

  12. Hi! We have a question about your citrasolve transfer method. We can't find your email but wondered if you would email us so we could ask you a few questions.Peggy

  13. Hi, you have a lovely blog; I'm going to follow you.

    Katie - pop by sometime and I hope you'll like :)

  14. Looks lovely. This has inspired me to try my hand at etching some initials on wine bottle tumblers this weekend.

  15. Oh my gosh!!!! I love this, and I would have NEVER guessed this jar started out carrying pickles! This is so awesome and thank you so much for the shout out!!! I'm blushing :-)

  16. Adorable! Found you on TT&J!
    XOXO Janean

  17. Super duper cute Jaime!! Love that jar! I have been planning to do this forevah but have been putting it off... thanks for the motivation, girlie! Happy weekend! XOXO

  18. I love the birdie image you used, super cute and that's definitely the cutest pickle jar around now!

  19. I love that you used a pickle jar! It turned out so cute. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  20. i really want to try this project, it would be great if you could link it up at

    and also check out my cutting edge stencils giveaway xxx

  21. Love that awesome jar and are those malted eggs? Rock on!!! I love Easter candy too! Can't wait...think cream eggs! Thanks for linking up - please come back Thursday to link up again! I love pretty much everything you do!
    Stacey :o)

  22. I'm dying to etch something now! This is too cute and what a great excuse to get some of that Easter candy!

  23. Can I ask how you go the smell of pickles out of the jar? I've been trying for about a week. ack!


  24. Great way to recycle jars! I have used the etching cream before and the last time I used it, I left it overnight. It came out great but I did have to scrub it off with an old toothbrush. I always have trouble getting the edges of my stencil down tight so that the cream doesn't bleed under and mess up the whole thing. Any tips?

  25. I love this! And I love that you did it with a pickle jar! I never would have guessed! I bake lots of bread and have been looking for some why to store all of the different types of flours I have been accumulating. This is a perfect way to store and designate! Thanks!


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