
Sunday, April 8, 2012

A table up-cycle and DIY distressing with ink!

Hello blog friends!
I hope you had a WONDERFUL Easter weekend!

I had a little fun up-cycling this weekend!!
It is nice enough for me to start spring cleaning...
and my newest rule is that if I don't love it as it is and I won't up-cycled it, I have to get rid of it.
And so that is how this little table got a paint job!

And I came up with a technique of distressing without distressing without sand paper or layers of paint.

Yep, I just distressed with ink.

and it turns out I really really love this little table now.

I am so glad that I didn't get rid of it!

It started out like this---a garage sale find from last year that was completely neglected.

All you need to Do it Yourself is:
-Annie Sloan Chalk Paint {Graphite}
-White Ink 
-craft sponge

All you do:
Paint your table and let dry.
Use your craft sponge dipped in your white ink to distress by just rubbing along edges of the furniture that you want to highlight. 
{I followed these steps by adding a layer of Annie Sloan clear wax to seal the table}
Thats it!

I am linking up to a few of my favorite link parties---be sure to check them out to be inspired!!



  1. Beautiful job, Jaime Lyn. I really think the color you chose gives it life. :) Megan

  2. Jaime Lyn that grey is gorgeous! Love your spring cleaning rules - I'm trying to follow the same, love it, use it or loose it! Nice work on a really cute piece.

  3. That looks wonderful! I am so happy you shared this technique! I would love to try it out!

  4. Very cute table! I love it! Visiting from Under the Table and Dreaming link party :)

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  5. I love the shape and style of that table! I love what you did to it too, it looks great!

  6. That lokks so beautiful! Best decision to paint it. Lokks so cute now!

  7. awesome little table, I have a similar curvy little table that i painted before that could use some love. might just have to try to add some ink to it! thanks for sharing

  8. What a great little table! Using ink sounds like a fun technique and I have some furniture I should try it on.

  9. Great job, I have a similar table I've been wanting to paint. I need to find some of that chalk paint!

  10. I love it! It really is amazing what paint or fabric can do to a piece of furniture!

  11. Umm... yeah. Genius much? So sharing! Looks amazing and really compliments the fireplace. What a great accent piece ;)

  12. Hello Jaime Lyn,

    I hope you don't mind if I share this on our private Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ Stockist your outside the box thinking!
    Beautiful table!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  13. It looks great, a huge improvement (obviously!) and much easier that all that sanding and staining and waiting!


  14. Wow I would have never thought of that thank you

  15. what a unique idea! it looks amazing!

  16. What a brilliant idea, I love the way your table is transformed!! Bravo!!

    I hope you will come and see my new Annie Sloan Chalk Paint projects!

    Art by Karena

  17. Oh wow! I love, love, love this table! So glad you gave it a face lift and I love the chalk paint out now! Ok, now I have to go hunting for something like this.

    Popping in from Sumo's Sweet Stuff and hope you'll link up this and other fun on my Tuesday, Destination: Inspiration linky party. Here's the link for the party going on now:

    Thanks, Michelle

  18. I just up-cycled and distressed a little coffee table for the first time about a week ago. I love your simple technique by using ink and that table is so unique with it's double stands!

  19. I love this awesome little table. You did an amazing job. It is amazing.



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