
Monday, January 17, 2011

A couple weekends worth of fun and finds!

Alright so here is an overwhelming blog post full of projects that I have been working on, and fun finds in the past few weeks.  Nothing too exciting as I have been attempting to study... fairly unsuccessfully 

Finished a couple of clipboards (above) that I found over Thanksgiving with Linds and even incorporated some fabric (my newest interest-fabric incorporation EVERYWHERE).

Ahhh an a wonderful antique store find-an old drawer with dividers currently showcased in my most favorite location-my dining room table!

Love love love changing this thing every other day too-today's decor features teacup set with birds nest=love!

Along with incoporation of fabric into my daily decor I have also recently seen numerous examples of incorporating sewing/hobby kind of things as well.  And as it is becoming increasingly apparent, I can never say no to a new trend-plus this is very functional as my craft room has been slowly taking over my living room!

Ahhh now here is a new obsession, I LOVE old doors, so why wouldn't I get excited to find a chunk of door with an old knob for sale at an antique store for a steal of a deal?!  Ahhh whenever I see this one I start thinking about all of the dumb old sayings "when one door closes....." sigh!  

Ran out of places to put my clipboards, as I seem to have a lot of stuff sitting around ahhhhem I mean decorating, so I decided to revamp the good old homemade chalkboard---super functional right?!

Ahhh yes, and boy oh boy do I like this picture box, (it that even what they are called?)  I found this one at TJ and thought it would fit in well with my new light/white decor.  Andd I finally got going and printed some graphic fairy clip art on scrapbook paper to go inside, HOW FUN and EASY!  ****Note the birdhouse in the above picture

Now for its close up, I got to try some painting and small scale distressing this weekend.  And by me I mean, I put Cal to work.  I painted, and then distressed with sandpaper, then added ink and finally added some crackle paint (pictured below), it was easy and fun and makes me want to move on to a much larger scale!    

And Finally, I had fun with graphic fairy clip art on scrapbook paper AND fabric to make a little vintage looking artwork for this re-done picture frame that I finished in December.  What do you think??  (p.s. I love hanging plates on the wall!)

xoxo and back to study for me! 

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