
Monday, January 10, 2011

Let me be honest.

Honestly, I am not doing well attempting be back to study mode.  Honestly, I am struggling.  I hate the guilt that comes with knowing there is always something that I could be doing to study more.  Breaks do not feel like breaks when you should/could study.  And lets face it, I have somehow someway survived 3 & 1/2 years of dental school as someone who doesn't do stress well.  I am feeling stressed.  I hate it.  I try so hard to balance, but for whatever reason I am feeling overwhelmed.  Soooooo, in attempt to revamp, re-asses the situation, I enjoyed some blog posts......trying not to feel stressed while doing so.  Here is my inspiration for the night:

 {the graphic fairy}

Love, Love, Love the idea of transferring printed images onto fabrics or printing right on them don't tell Cal, but I really want to try that!  And the graphic fairy blog seems to be the best place to learn how AND find amazing FREE clipart!  How fun!  I have sooo many ideas... mainly revolving around muslin type fabrics starting with some pillows (much like the ones I am obsessed with at pottery barn for 2 million dollars) or framed fabric with these super cool dental vintage clip art-I am such a sucker for anything dental, I might be the only one who appreciates these!   

On a blahh study day like today of course all I can think of is decorating and crafting.... since I really should keep the redecorating of the house-I-am-moving-out-of-in-3-and-1/2-months to a minimum I can guess I have to resort to drooling.....  Just when I think I have a clear vision, involving a lot of white with small splashes of teals/blues, I see something like this picture....  Something about this cheerful splash of color really makes me happy....I am thinking this is something to keep in mind since I am going to start sewing soon (as in when I am done studying for boards hopefully not before), maybe I could make some fun pillows like these.

{Country Living}

 And finally it would not be right to mention that I am also dreaming about the hubs.  I miss him.  I love him.  I hate being away from him.  Andddd I am currently PRAYING that a trip to Mexico is going to be in our near future. Something else to MOTIVATE me to get my butt back into study mode.

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