
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring and encyclopedia inspired little crafts

Sooo, are you sick of my crazy encyclopedia obsession yet??  Wait don't answer that!  I thought that if you are, I might distract you by some small projects with hints of spring and so that you might not hate the over-usage of my oh so loved encyclopedia pages.  
But first:
On a Personal Note:

It is official I am moving back to Wisconsin and hubs and I officially have a place to live-yes, thats right after months and months of crazy searching for the perfect rental the stars have aligned!!!!  Ahhhhh which means I have to face the facts, I am moving!  Crafting is helping me keep my sanity and my focus on one day at a time... while school is closing in on me, only a week and a half to go (hopefully!)... which means after a year of long distance Caleb and I will be together full time in only a few short week!  In the mean time I am jumping with excitement because I am going home to see him, the pups and the new house this weekend....ahhhhhhh 
change is in the air!  

A note about my shopping trip today:

And I must confess I did some browsing and bargain shopping today.  It seems that my crafting is getting a bit out of hand, I wandered aimlessly around Michaels today without a purpose which was delightful *note this is however a bit of a dangerous practice for me because I find cool things and then take them home with me (after paying of course).  Plus did you know Michaels has the best sales ever??

I bought 3 million spools of Martha Stewart ribbon originally $6.99 but on clearance for $1.00 ahhh I am such a sucker for a good deal!  Anyways needless to say I have about a million new ideas and projects (not just for the ribbon, but it would be crazy if they were!).  Aannnd to top it off I stopped at Home know how I just said the other day that Pottery Barn is my dream store....well Home Goods is my go-to store.  I blame it on my dad.  He loves a good TJMaxx find and I think he rubbed off on me.
Here is my love of the day/week/month:
So delightful, so many possibilities ahhh I love you tiered tray thing! 
***I wouldn't blame my husband if he wanted to kill me for buying yet another super awkwardly shaped item to move in a few weeks time, but really, what does he expect when he has me moving to a town without a Home Goods?!?!  *tears*

On to the small crafts of the night:

I made some friends tonight 

nice and simple 

paint, mod podge, encyclopedia paper and sand paper

{crazy bird pre-sand paper}

Kind of fun, not sure I love them, they might need a little something else...but good for tonight.

And I made another candle, this time with my encyclopedia paper, I like the neutral idea so you can dress it up to match for holidays or decor changes.  

Click here if you missed my candle making tutorial.

* Must thank my anonymous reader for telling me about using tissue paper as another option instead of vellum (which is a bit more costly), this inspired me to think about other thin paper options---my crazy obsessed brain went straight to my old stinky books!  Just another reason I love blogs, because you can share ideas we can inspire each other---thank you for all of the inspirational comments and for visiting my blog*

{Click here to see where I am going to link up}


  1. OH I SO love anything using dictionary, encyclopedia or any book paper and these birds are just darling!!

  2. Congrats on finding a place! My husband and I have done the long distance thing several times... so I know how exciting it is to live in the same city, let alone the same house! Love your birds and candle - I'm going to have to find some encyclopedias!

  3. Thank you both for stopping by! Charcoal and crayons-I will be so so so excited to not be doing the long distance thing....(I think three so's are an understatement!) It is nice to have people that understand!

  4. I love your birds and candle. The print is so cute.

  5. I love your birds with their encyclopedia wings ... so whimsical and cute.

    Visiting from The CSI Project.

  6. I think using encyclopedia pages is genius! Your birds are perfectly spring-y!
    Found you at CSI.

  7. I love bird decor! you did a great job!

    I am having a fine art photography giveaway on my blog. The artist is Melanie Alexandra. She has more than 200 photographs in her Etsy store. Leave me a comment telling me which is your favorite image to win any photograph of your choice.

  8. I love all your stuff !! I am so a follower of this blog... And PROUD OF IT !!!!!

    Visit me here

  9. Awh, thanks for following and for the amazing complement sailing with bare feet, you made my day!

  10. I love the baby blue color and also the encyclopedia paper. Sweet little project!

  11. I love how you made this two toned with the paint and the paper wings =) Very crafty and so cute! I hope you will share this at my VIP party today...

  12. Those birds are tooo adorable!! Awesome job!

  13. Super cute! They were cute to start, and you made them even better! (stopping by from Whipperberry, late!)

  14. such a pretty transformation! :) we would love for you to link this up :)

    Lolly Jane

  15. I love those birds. That's a really cute idea.

  16. Where or how did you make this tiered tray thing? Oh I have fallin in love with it. I need to get it. Thanks Deb


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