
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A mirror makeover

Happy Tuesday my blog friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend---I sure did!

Today I am enjoying my day and crafting away.  Here is one of my projects!

I found this treasure of a mirror awhile ago at a thrift store for $4.00.  It was gold and a bit beat up but I knew it would fit right into my home with a little TLC.  I painted it a nice soft teal at our old house this winter and then packed it away for our move...

So today I got this pretty mirror out found the perfect place for it---right above our bed....
It is the perfect piece to distract from some of the more modern furniture that we have in the room.  Since the mirror was going to be over the bed and not super functional as a mirror I decided to add some vinyl and a meaningful quote.

I wanted an etched glass look on the mirror so I used my silhouette and the frosted vinyl that they sell.

What do you think?

And I must use my mirror reflection as an opportunity to show off my sweet garage sale finds from the past few weeks that have landed in my bedroom---how do you like the vintage alarm clock and the primitive ladder I found?

Ahhh my little home is coming together one little project at a time and one little treasure of a garage sale find at a time!

I am linking up at some of these wonderful places---they are all fabulous places to be inspired!


  1. Very Beautiful! I love what you did with the mirror and the vinyl you added, I REALLY want a Silhoutte!!!

    Visiting from Homemaker on a Dime!

  2. Oh, my goodness! That's one fantastic-looking mirror :) Thanks for linking up at the CBPH.

  3. I think its fab....I want a silhouette.
    smilesssss ! xo

  4. this is fabulous! I LOVE it! Great job!

  5. Love Love! I have a nice big beautiful gold mirror sitting in my garage that I got at a thrift store for $8 at least 5 months ago. Seeing yours makes me want to go out there and give it some TLC right now! I just can't keep up with all these awesome projects!!! :)

  6. This mirror looks beautiful !!! I am also liking that ladder too. Great finds.

    I loving the new blog look too !!!

    Kim @ Twigs and Twirls

  7. I saw you on Creative Bloggers Party. I'm your newest public follower. I love the mirror. The ornate detail is my favorite. I would appreciate you following back I would also appreciate if you would like me in facebook and in twitter @DeniseLillaRose. I always follow back. Just leave me a note so I know you stopped by.

  8. Jaime, I love it! So, so pretty! I love the frosted vinyl--that looks perfect. And the ladder and alarm clock? Awesome!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  9. Hey!

    I found your blog today and I'm your newest follower!
    I must say.. I'm a huge fan :D
    I LOVE this :D It's so pretty - you're talented ;) It's perfect!! :D

    I can't wait to see more and I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to stop by my blog too :)

    Have a great day and thanks for the inspiration! :D

    Katrine <3

  10. Love this! The carvings are great too!

  11. Beautiful! The vinyl is a nice modern touch!

  12. The mirror is lovely. This post makes me so excited for those garage/yard sales. Perhaps I'll have to plan a trip to the thrift store this weekend.

  13. I'm still dying to find a mirror like this! You lucky dog. It's just gorgeous! Please stop by and join my party this weekend at


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