
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My up-cycled dining room table

Hi guys!  I am SO excited to show you what I have been working very hard on for the past few days----and although it might not be the most exciting post or the post that you are super inspired by, I adore my project like really really adore and so I have decided to bombard you with .5 million pictures of it. 

Now, meet my dining room table and chairs pre-refinishing. 

My mother-in-law sooo sweetly (like what are the chances/twist of fate) had this beautiful table outside for the past few years and was super excited to pass it along to me when she realized it was exactly what I was looking for or wishing for for my new dinning room.

She also happened to have 4 chairs for me (could a girl with a wish to refinish and up-cycle be anymore lucky?!?), I also had a couple extra from my "kitchen cafe" table so six wonderful chairs were ready to be refinished as well.



Can you hear me squealing through the computer?!?!  Because I am SOOOO in love with this dining room set I so painstakingly spent the weekend working on!!

The chairs got a few coats of Rustoleum's Heirloom White spray paint and then a clear coat for protection.  Then the chairs got some distressing from my hand sander---nothing in my house is allowed to not be distressed these days!

The table got sanded, and sanded and sanded....

Then I painted the sides with actual paint--same brand and color.

And the top got a clear coat of stain.  I tossed around doing a darker stain or a wax instead but I ended up liking the color of the wood once it was sanded I really didn't want to change its look, but more enhance it.

And all together I think it looks nice.

Then I had some fun adding meaningful numbers to the back of the chairs---I just loved the words I added to the chairs in my kitchen dining set makeover that I knew I wanted to do something like that again.

My dream machine (the silhouette) and I are getting along super well as of late---can you tell by all of the vinyl that keeps popping up in my projects?!?

The numbers are kind of fun right?!?

And here is a picture of my beloved dining room set through the mirror of my amazing buffet that my mother-in-law also passed along to us.

And since you are already getting the tour of my dinning room let me just finish up with a few little details

Okay did you really think you would make it out of my dining room without seeing a full on picture of the AMAZING?!?  When my mother-in-law asked if I (I mean we) would like it and if I could find a place for it in our house all I could say was really---really---REALLY!??!!

The view into the kitchen---I am loving my decor in vintage drawers right now!

And finally I have to showcase this old beauty that hubs and I found at an antique store this weekend.  I adore the window and the detail in the handle.  I can't decide if this is where the beauty will stay but for now I enjoy seeing it often in the room!

If it stays I am thinking of adding some vinyl----gaspp----I bet you never saw that coming right?!?
But wouldn't a cute little menu vinyl look cute?!?!?

Well what do you think?  Dinner at my place tonight?

What have you been up to this week?!?!  I would love to hear---I am working on putting together my follower feature for Friday and would love to include a few more projects!

Oh and I almost forgot---I am linking up to some of these wonderful parties---go check them out and be inspired!!!



  1. Jaime!!! Love love love!!!! Oh girl...that table is so amazing! And you did a perfect job with it...I love that you decided to keep the top the way it is...looks wonderful! And I love that your chairs don't match...I can't say enough about how much I love the outcome! OH! And ask your MIL if she has more...for me...mmmmkay? ;)

  2. That is TOTALLY FABULOUS. No joke.
    I'm officially in awe. Love, love, love.
    Great job!!!!
    ~Bec :-)

  3. I love it!!! I'm squealing a little myself, and it isn't even mine :)

  4. Wow, that table is fantastic!!! And I LOVE that you have different chairs around the table--so fun. You have a great mother-in-law! I wonder if mine has any beauties like this table tucked away for me . . . I hope so ;-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  5. Ooooohhhh YUM!! LOVE that you kept the table top as it is!

  6. Great Job, Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. JAIME! It looks so perfect! I love the way it turned out! Especially the chairs with the vinyl. It's all comming together! Oh how I miss you!!!

  8. So pretty! :D :D <3

  9. I just love farmhouse furniture, such a lovely table.

  10. Hello!
    I'm stopping by again :)
    I love your blog and all your re-dos and creations that I've awarded you with this award!

    Click here to claim it:

    You really deserve it :D
    Have a great day!


  11. with out furniture dining room is not dining enhance the beauty of dining room.

  12. Jaime Lyn, this project turned out great! Amazing job and thank you so much for using Rust-Oleum products to build out such a magnificent project.

  13. Love the table, you did a great job!!

  14. BEAUTIFUL! In fact so much without even peaking at other posts of yours, I already know you have a new follower! I loveee your style!

    So you just did a layer of stain after sanding? No extra protective layer or anything? I'm building myself a desk soon and using the same concept of wood planks and have been back and forth so much about stain/wax/poly-messy gunk-urethane... any tips?! Much appreciated!

    Pamela @ {also just posted about a recent garden stool makeover... that's what I was up too this week!}

  15.!!!! That table is just fabulous, girl!!!!!! I love that you kept the top natural. It almost looks like the color of driftwood. :) I never thought of spray painting chairs. I always hated painting them with a brush. Ugh! I'll have to remember your technique next time. :) Beautiful job, girlie!

    xoxo laurie

  16. This is so beautiful! I especially love the numbers on the back of the chairs you did with your Silhouette! Hope you don't mind if I pinterest this project! I love it that much!

  17. Oh I'm in LOVE with your table!! Jealous! Beautifully done! So happy to find you through MMS link party! I'm your newest follower, I'd be thrilled if you visited me at!!

    Happy painting :)

  18. Wonderful! The table is beautiful; love the mismatched chairs, and love that you didn't use consecutive numbers. Great work.
    Visiting from MMS.

  19. It looks better than nice. It looks AMAZING. I love the chairs and the numbers on the back. The table? Something out of my dreams. I adore it.

    I'm popping over from Maybe Matilda. And I think I may be your newest follower. ;)

  20. I absolutely love your dining table and chairs. I've been looking for something similar... Great job!

  21. I Love it!!! You did an awesome job! Love how the chair turned out! :)
    I'm your newest follower! #190 :)

  22. O_M_G, I love that table SOOO much! I've been scouring the internets for ideas on what to make out of scrap fencing, and I'd love to do a coffee table that is a miniature of your dining table. I'm pinning this table on Pinterest so I can remember. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I seriously haven't loved a blog project this much in a LONG time! Dinner at your place, right?? ;)

  23. Hey! I just found your blog thru the linky parties and I'm following! Your table and chair makeover is yummy! Just the kind of transformation I love!

  24. Be still my heart. it is fantastic and the numbers on your chairs are divine! i found you on MMS and i am so glad i did - great job!

  25. Great piece of furniture! Looks so good!

  26. Gorgeous~gorgeous~gorgeous! I love your table! So absolutely beautiful! I would love for you to come share this at Feathered Nest Friday sometime :)

  27. Love it!!! Love the chairs and the table! You did a great job! I'm your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime soon!

  28. Beautiful, I love the whole setting, magazine worthy! Thanks for sharing.

  29. Oh I so have table envy right now! And the numbers on the chairs is so sweet. I love it. Nice job. It is gorgeous!! ♥

    We spray painted our chairs 5 years ago black and I told my husband a month ago that they needed to be cream now!

    {stopped by from tatertots & jello}

  30. wow I love it, great idea with the numbers on chairs!!!

  31. Found you via Shabby Chic Cottage. This is my dream table! I just love what you did. The white cleans it up and then the planks on top give it just enough of a rustic feel.

    The more I see of it, the more I think I need a silhouette machine!

  32. I am in LOVE with this table! Just gorgeous!

    ~ Jess

  33. It is so gorgeous. I loooooovvvvvveeeee it!!!!!!


  34. Jaime Lyn oh my this is beautiful! I love all the attention to the little details to make the hub of your family (eating together!) so magnificent. two thumbs up chica!

  35. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying over here because I'm still trying to find the motivation to refinish my set!

  36. I love this so much that i'll be featuring it on my blog as one of my favourite things this thursday @ Thanks for sharing!

  37. Crazy good ! love, love ,love it ! xo


  38. That is freaking awesome. I am totally lusting after that table right now.

  39. love it ~ especially the numbers!!

  40. Absolutely gorgeous in every detail!! I especially love the numbers on the back of the chairs.


  41. WOW!!! Fantastic!! I ADORE what you've done...and your decorating all around!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm working on my kitchen right now, an old 1850's stone house, and it can be quite a deal trying to make things fit: love your nice skinny table!!! :)


    I think I am going to have to follow this to re-do my chairs!!!

    Is there anyway you could make me some significant numbers and I would pay you for them and also to mail them to me???

    please email me at

    this is so awesome....

  43. Just found you thanks to Pinterest. My dining room is headed in the same direction, but I kept delaying the actual project because I didn't have a clear final vision...until NOW that it. Thanks!

  44. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  45. what font did you use for the numbers on the back of your chairs? Love the whole thing!! great job!

  46. Love your table! I want one:)

  47. the table, love the fabulous! newest follower!

  48. Jaime Lyn - wow this table turned out fantastic. What a fabulous piece. Love what you have done with it - simply gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party. I am a little behind commenting - but I have featured this Sunday. Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  49. Oh my goodness... that is the table of my dreams. I have to admit that it actually takes my breath away!

  50. Love that table! Everything looks so nice together!

  51. Your table came out gorgeous. Beautiful job!

  52. Love your table. The chairs are adorable. Great job over all. You have the worlds greatest MIL.

  53. I love your table and chairs! The numbered chairs are great; what an awesome idea!

  54. I couldn't love your table more! Now that is one great mother-in-law! Does she have an extra table for me :) I would love the EXACT same look! Chairs, #'s and table! Perfect for me my friend!

  55. That table is just AMAZING! Great job! and I love the door you found, too, and think the menu idea is a super cute one.

  56. When I say that I love this table, I mean that I LOVE this table. It is amazing and you did an awesome job. I think I am actually a little jealous! Wow - great job - looks wonderful - love the numbers - fabulous touch. Sorry I am gushing. I kept seeing this table in blogland and just had to stop to see it. I was even better than I thought! Just love those old farmtables!
    Following you - Stacey of Embracing Change

  57. Such a gorgeous table and I love the numbers! Beautiful!

  58. That table is awesome! Love the chairs too!

  59. I am so in love with this table. You did a fantastic job and I am hoping that at some point I can built a table just like this for my home. Thanks for the inspiration!

  60. Oh my, LOVE it!! Gonna have to show this idea to my dear husband, seriously. We are out growing our table with baby #5 due in Dec., and not looking forward to the price tag that might come with needing a table to seat 8...

    This idea would be perfect for us, and I love how you numbered the chairs. I'm thinking even at the head chairs I could vinyl "mom" and "dad" on the backs. :)

    Just found your blog and am enjoying it.

  61. What type of clear coat did you use for the top? i have a table that I want to seal without making it look shiny.

  62. I know you've already gotten a bajillion and one comments on this but...

    SQUEAL! This is awesome.

  63. I absolutely love this table! I'm really hoping for something like this someday for my dining room! :) I'm your newest follower!

  64. ok, did I miss this one. It's AWESOME!!!

  65. I love your table! I just found your blog through The Shabby Nest. I've already been inspired so I'm now a follower!

  66. I swear each and every day I stumble on a new post from your blog that completely AMAZES me. I'm IN LOVE with this table and chairs. Seriously! ...and I think I just added a silhouette to my christmas list. The numbers on the chairs are simply perfect!

  67. Yeah, another Midwesterner! I'm blogging out of Chicago ... Just love your table and chairs. You especially had me at the numbers! I'm driving my family batty with my obsession with numbering things around our home ...

    1. See, now I'm back at this post again. This time I pinned those numbered chairs!



  68. Beautiful love the finish and numbered chairs.

  69. That is an amazing transformation. I love your table!!

    I featured it on my TT&J facebook page :)


  70. I'm in love with this table! Awesome job!

    Amanda @ Lillys&Lollipops

  71. I Love it The country look is so cute :)

  72. i would be squealing with joy too !! what a find....beautiful...

  73. That came out awesome!!! What a great table :)

  74. Wow..what a find you have done an anazing job there. Love it!

    Katie from lillyandboo

  75. This is absolutely beautiful. Your MIL is so sweet for giving you all those awesome pieces, and you obviously have a talent for making them beautiful! :)

  76. I absolutely love this. Love the table and the chairs blew me away. I'm planning on building a farm table in the spring. I'm pinning this for inspiration.

  77. Did you really use clear stain or did you mean to say clear satin? I'm curious about the finish, especially for a dining table that would need to be cleaned so often. I don't know if you'll even respond to this, but I sure hope to hear the answer! thanks.

  78. I just stopped over from It All Started With Paint to say hi and snoop around. Lots of great projects you have here. I also understand you love numbers and letters. I think we need a society of people like that.


  79. Hi Jaime Lyn! Hey I just wanted to let you know that I featured this amazing transformation on my blog today. You can find it here:

    I really enjoy following your blog! ☺Cath @ Home is Where my Heart is:

  80. Sweet! I love it:) you did a great job on the table and chairs, it's beautifully rustic...Sally


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