
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cabinet to Mantle!

Hi bloggin friends!  I hope you are having a WONDERFUL week!  I am!  I and I am so so so looking forward to this weekend!  I am headed back to Michigan to spend some time with my best-est friend Becks (and her wonderful husband Nick).  So this will be the last you will hear from me until Monday.....

Butttt on the bright side, I am SUPER excited to show you my finally finished living room and my up-cycled cabinet turned mantle or fake mantle or FANTLE?!?!!!

 {Here we are, as of today...but let me show you how we got there!}

{Hubs picked our house out all on his own, I had never seen the place because I was living in Michigan and couldn't get away to come and tour it.  Soooo my tour was via pictures----here is what the living room looked like before we moved in.}
***I knew from the moment I saw the mantle-less fireplace, that would have to change!  Butt this house is a rental so I knew my mantle would have to be inexpensive and not permeant.***

***Enter creativity***

{My mother-in-law once again saved the day!  She had this red beauty outside and was thinking of getting rid of it in the near future....buttt when I saw it I just knew it was my mantle and she graciously donated it to the crazy list of amazing furniture she gave me}
***At this point, as tacky as it is in this picture, we were playing with the size and the height of my cabinet-fantle, we had already removed the doors (the are both sides of the cabinet)***

{Everytime I move into a place even if it issss just a rental, I feel compelled to make it HOME and paint ALWAYS helps soooo sooo goodbye dark blue walls hello light grey/with cool light blue tones--ahhh starting to feel better already!!!}

{Next hubs and I removed the shelves and middle divider of the cabinet---looking like a mantle already right?!?  Then we dismantled the mantle (GET IT DIS-MANTLED hahahha).

We also chopped each of the "outter parts" of the cabinet in half so it would fit closer to the wall.  And then re-mantled the mantle and nailed it all back together (too much with the mantle jokes?!?).

{At this point we brought the fake-mantle back inside to check it out---see how it would fit and wow am I glad we did!  Do you notice that the fake-mantle is sitting higher than the fireplace?}
***Do you kind of like the red at this stage?  I did...I debated painting it at all....but it just looked unfinished.....ahhh the debating that goes along with up-cycling!!!***

{Soo we made a little list of areas the mantle needed boards added to look more "finished".  Know what the cool thing was?!?  We didn't have to buy a single board or nail for this project we literally re-used everything that was already part of the cabinet!  Sweet right?!?  Because like I said for a rental renovation it MUST be inexpensive!!!}
***Ohh and did you notice we kind of stripped the mantle of the red?  We left some red because I really wanted to be able to sand away some of the white paint I used and still get some peeks of red and boy I am glad we did---the little red makes me happy!***

{And then I added vinyl- because well I love quotes.  And I thought this quote was a good one because I can seasonally change out the "word" on the mantle ---and I love that!  (did you notice my summer word below the seashells that is there for right now?)}

{I painted all of the cabinet white except for the top which I painfully sanded down and then stained----I wanted it to kind of look like my dining room table}

{I decided to keep both of the doors from the cabinet and use them on both sides of the mantle because it just gives you a little larger and unique space to decorate!}

{What do you think?  I was going for a kind of beach-y cottage-y feel----how did I do?}
***Know what else is cool?!?  Everything I used for my beach cottage living room was either made by me OR found for not-a-lot at a garage sale!!!***

{Did I mention that I painted everything white and then distressed a TON with my little hand sander that I LOVE so very much!?!?}

What do you think?  Not bad for a fake mantle right?!?!?  Want to come hang out?

I am going to go hang out at some of these parties---come and visit them and be inspired!!!


  1. That is incredible! Your mother-in-law sounds like a treasure trove . . . I'm starting to get jealous ;-) I'm amazed that you put so much work into a rental . . . I'm SO lazy with rentals and always think, "Well, it's not really my house, so I won't bother," and then stare at my boring white walls and boring brown furniture until I move out. Blah. Hopefully I'll be more motivated when I actually own a house someday ;-) This looks amazing, and YES, definitely beach cottage-y!

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  2. YOU. ROCK. enough said...

    This is amazing!! It looks straight out of a magazine...actually, it should be in a magazine!! Have you checked out the new Better Homes and Gardens do it yourself magazine?? You should really send them a few pics of this before and after!! If you weren't already saving the world one tooth at a time, I would say you should quit your day job and be a designer...if I could afford you, I would fly you right down here to Tennessee!
    And...I hope you have a great weekend with your friends too :)

  3. This is awesome! Very creative way to "make" a mantle! Great job:)

  4. Oh, Jaime. What can I say? are. amazing. And by amazing, I mean absolutely out-of-this-world incredible. I adore your fantle & I would never guess it wasn't real. You have, without question, achieved your beachy cottage-y look. I'm in awe of you and your talent...truly.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!

  5. WOW! I'd love for you to come and share this at my link party today. Great job!

  6. Jaime Lyn, You have out done yourself. This is AMAZING. I love it so much!! You make is sound so simple..."I looked at the cabinet with a creative eye".... are you kidding?!? When I look at a cabinet with a creative eye I still see a cabinet! I am so amazed by you!!

  7. Wow, you have done such a wonderful job on this room!!

  8. Stop it! You are amazing! I am so inspired to do something with my mantle. I love the whole look. You have a great eye for cute finds.

  9. Jamie I swear you and I have the same decor sense. You are doing the what I want to do in our new home. Thanks for the ideas !!!! lol. This mantle/fantle looks AMAZING !!!! I am drooling over here.

  10. My jaw is literally on the floor right now. Who are you?!?!?! I am pretty convinced you are a super popular interior designer who just uses Dentist as a cover. And if it's okay with you I'll be moving in. Tomorrow. And yes I'm bringing the whole family. Have so much fun in Michigan-Best Friends are the BEST!

  11. Oh and I was also going to say, if you run out of room to receive more gifts from your MIL I would be happy to take the overflow-I'm sure she wouldn't mind shipping to UT! :)

  12. It's fabulous!!! You did a great job & I would love to hang out at your place.

  13. Oooohhh my young friend, you truly DO have the decor knack!! What an AMAZING transformation! (btw, must say, I LOVE it when I read your kind comments about your Mum-in-law...)

  14. This is super, super, SUPER cool! Better than a real mantle. I wish I could install a fantle somewhere!

  15. Looks great! Worth all the effort I'm sure.

  16. Oh wow that is seriously creative! I'm loving the finished look! Please come share this at my party this weekend.

  17. That is gorgeous!! How creative using that cabinet! I heart how you decorated it!! :)

  18. I love your fantle! I liked the red but it is perfect painted white for the beachy-cottagy theme. The nice thing is that when you move you can take it with you. :)

  19. This is totally FAB, girly!
    I'm lovin' every bit of it!
    Have a great weekend!
    ~Bec :-)

  20. So cute!! I've GOTTA try this one! You've made me smile :)

    WHYCUZICAN in NW Illinois
    (viewing from MMS linky party)

  21. Wow!! Can I have some of your decorating vision??? My home needs some real help!! Great makeover! Hugs, antonella :-)

  22. I LOVE your mantle, dining room table & paper adorned side table! I'm actually not sure which I love more, your creations or your mother-in-law, for giving you the furniture pieces:)

  23. If this was your calling card as interior designer, I'd rob a bank and book you to do my whole house, top to bottom. I'm in awe!

  24. This is one of the best projects I have seen in a long time!!! Amazing!!!

    I shared it on my TT&J facebook page :)


  25. It looks great! That's awesome that you didn't have to make any huge purchase for this project. I love the beachy feel of it all. gorgeous!

  26. Hey BBFF! This is so awesome! Me loves it!
    I have a little bookpage frame like that! We're so
    Meant to be! Lol...hope you're having a great weekend!

  27. Thank you for helping me save my horrendous fireplace! I am so hitting the antique shops this week to find my perfect cabinet to repurpose! LOVE!!!

  28. Awesome, awesome project! I am amazed at how well it turned out!

  29. Amazingly creative! You should be a designer.

  30. You are super creative! What a fab idea for a rental! Your fantel completely changes the feel and look of the room (to much better!). Well done!

  31. I LOOOVE that mantel!!! You rock. I would have loved to see more red, it brought the reds out in your quilt. But it still is perfect! Thanks for sharing. Found you at MMS. 8>)

  32. I'm a new follower but I have to say that your fantle is awesome!! I wish I had a fireplace now :)

  33. What a GREAT piece! You did a fab job and opened the eyes of many renters!! (myself newly included)

  34. My first visit to your blog......sure won't be my last!! I've already signed up for email posts. You are a wonder.....absolutely one of the most creative projects I have seen in a long time!! If we had a fireplace in our beach cottage I would so steal your idea! Well done!! Take care, VBg

  35. Absolutely lovely! Been looking for ideas to revamp my fireplace area...this is inspiring! Been clicking through your blog. So many wonderful projects - thanks for sharing your talents and creativity! Makes me want to make more time to play, too.

  36. Oh wow... Wow... WOW! It looks amazing. I love every single bit of it.

  37. I love the ocean theme, it's beautiful. I'm a new follower!

  38. Just wanted to let you know I did some blogging about you and this beautiful project today...
    Happy Friday sweet girl!

  39. this room is da bomb! Love the beachy white feel it has. Well done.

  40. I just want to let you know that I featured your mantel and room makeover on my blog today... Come to see and button up. Thank you so much for sharing it ;)

  41. Wow! I love it! The whole thing...the color, the cabinet doors on the sides, your Summer window. Beautiful. I'm a renter also and I make my space my own even if its temporary. Gotta love where you live, right?

  42. Gorgeous! I would have never guessed! I am featuring this at

  43. Serious?!! That is awesome. I am your newest follower. Haven't added a new blog to follow in a while. Can't pass yours up!! Looking forward to reading it!:)

  44. Umm yeah I want to hang out! Looks fantastic!

  45. Oh my goodness.....this is incredible!!!!! I will be following you!!!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful project!!!

  46. That looks amazing! I love that you took an used piece and made it into something beautiful. Those paddles really make everything seem beachy too:)

  47. This is AMAZING! I love it! Where do you live again? Can I come hang out? :)

  48. I love that you paint your rentals. Thsi is so creative! I'm over from CSI. Congratulations! Your project is so deserving of all the recognition.

  49. That is just too cool - your fireplace looks beautiful! I've got this linked to my fireplaces post too today, well done!

  50. Love this to bits - such a creative, beautiful solution!

  51. This is a great project that you up-cycled really well. Creativity can surely make a humble piece of furniture (or any item for that matter) go a long way. It is so good to see how you transformed into another useful thing! The rustic feel of your mantle is so charming.

  52. ... and now I'm just stalking you!

    Okay, I'm definitely going to have to do a post about you and my favorite projects ....

    ... probably something along the lines of our shared love of numbers!

    ... and I'll probably run it this weekend. I'll let you know when it's up ...




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