
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello blog friends, I am SOO excited, today I am guest posting over at one-and-only Craftaholics Anonymous.  How cool is it that Linda gives little blogs like mine a chance to share an idea on her big AMAZING blog?!?

I would SO love it if you would come over and say hi!

And are you ready for this?!?  A sneak peek of my project...

Want to see more?  

Head over to Craftaholics Anonymous where I am guest posting today!


  1. OK, first encyclopedia paper, and now military wife. Yes, we're going to be awesome friends! T has served in the Navy for 8 years :) I adore that you punched out places that were of importace to him, what an AWESOME! way to remember his time in the service. Tell him "thank you" from me :)

  2. I just saw your guest post of the frame you did for your husband. I got teary as I read it. I just got back from saying goodbye to a dear friend deploying Friday. He has been all over the country and the world serving our country and I just loved this idea! I love the fact that yall sent letters to each other while apart as well. This is so special and I'm glad you shared. A special note of appreciation to your husband and his 8 years of service. A thank you to you as well because support on the home front is what keeps our soldiers going. AND lastly, cheers to your golden retrievers! I'm sure they will be glad their human is home! :)


  3. Jaime, I stopped over and absolutely love your project! It is filled with such love!! Hugs, antonella :-)

  4. So beautiful. Like made me tear up beautiful. And i LOVE that is is so meaningful to you two…

    well done girl!

    Pamela, your bff ;) @


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