
Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Feature #2--Fabulous Followers

Hello blog friends and happy Saturday---I am running a day behind on my feature but better late than never right?!?!  I am SO excited to feature a few more of YOU this week---what do you think, do you like this new blogging tradition of mine?!?!  I do, it gives me a chance to check out your blogs and share what I find--which I simply love!  And it gives me a chance to THANK YOU for following my blog and being wonderful!

Anyways without further ado here are my loves for this week:

I must start with my real life and blogging friend Tabitha from Inspired by Giving.  I adore her both because of her crafts and because she is a wonderful friend.  She was just featured this week at Craftaholics Anonymous---she showed off her inspired craft room---trust me it is amazing---I have seen it in person :o) but this week I must feature her altered composition journal.  She makes them SO cutely made I could go on forever, but this version is for her father-in-law----and I just love the idea for a Father's day gift as well!

I have to a project from a blogger that I have to say I am a bit jealous of, not only is she is SUPER talented but she also has the cutes little guy ever!  I just have to feature Andrea from Charcoal and Crayons because I just adore all of her projects.  I am sure you have seen them around the blog world!  This week she showed off her amazing new chalk painted wall.  Now before you get thinking she has the most amazing hand written script ever---she has the best tip ever---use stencils!  I just LOVE that idea and will be digging around in my craft baskets for mine very soon!

Well I have to share this sweet blog with you---Lisa from Simply This That & the Other took the time to introduce herself to me this week and wow have I enjoyed her blog!  I just love a good sweet recipe and her latest Blueberry Lemon Scones sound AMAZING!  I will be making this one sooner or later :o)  

Another wonderful blogging friend who I just adore is Kim at Twigs and Twirls.  She is the sweetest gal you can ever "meet" on the blog.  She was one of the first super SUPER sweet ladies I got to know a little bit when I first "really" got going with my blogging.  Her generosity blew me away---can you beleive that I drooled over something in one of her photos on one of her posts and she then proceeded to send me what I was drooling over?!?!  How sweet is that??!!  It was super amazing people like this right away in the beginning that really encouraged me to keep on with the blogging!  Anyways enough about me, she has been working on the cutest crafting area ever right now!  She has only shown half on her blog but it is AMAZING!  I wish I could go craft with her!  

A new friend as of just a couple of days now that I was to tell you about is Pamela from PB & Jstories.  What a nice nice blogging person to have just "met" AND she is thrifty and likes a good re-do---girl after my own heart!  Check out her project from this week her garden stool steal!  I didn't even know I wanted a garden stool until now! 

I am SO excited to be featuring such talented women!  I just adore all of these blogs and I think you should go and "meet" all of the wonderful friends!  

***Ladies if you would like to please feel free to grab a feature button***


Also let me know if you are working on something fun this next week I would love to feature you!  

And stay tuned I will have my Father's day idea for you either later today or tomorrow!


  1. love this idea and loved all the features.

  2. Thanks for the feature!! Sending you love back!

    Pamela @

  3. Love your blog!! I am definitely going to be your new follower :) I would love it if you followed me to @ that would be great :) I am just starting out, but I am excited to share new recipes, crafts, and makeup..

  4. AWW! Honored to be featured by you Miss Jaime!! Thank you darlin!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring me! How very sweet of you! Love the father's day presenr. I may duplicate it for a baby shower gift with baby room swatches and name meanings! Love to you! {lisa @} Blogger wont let me comment in google!

  6. Thanks for the feature Jamie. I am honored to be part of your blog :-)

  7. Thank you for featuring my chalkboard wall... Your kind words mean so much to me!


Your comments mean the world to me!