
Friday, June 3, 2011

I am guest posting at Maybe Matilda Today

Hello blog friends, I am SOO excited that today I am guest posting over at one of my most favorite blogs Maybe Matilda.  


I would SO love it if you would come over and say hi and of course check out her blog if you haven't already!!  If you are looking for a sweet new blog friend Rachel is it!

And are you ready for this?!?  A sneak peek of my project...

Want to see more?  

Head over to Maybe Matilda where I am guest posting today!

My feature of you my followers will be coming a bit later today---stay tuned :o)


  1. OK, Jaime...I absolutely loved the project you shared...totally awesome. I told Rachel I'm heading out to find a table to do this to...because I love it. so. much. Awesome Job!

  2. Jaime, I'm so proud of you! You have done such an amazing job with your blog and all your projects! I can't wait to see what you come up with next! Go girl!!

  3. I'm back, told you I was here to stay! and amazed again! Literally, as I was reading your post on Maybe Matilda I was blown away and thinking to myself {who thinks of doing it like this!}

    In my blog obsession filled mind, I may just consider us bff's already.
    Pamela @

  4. Yay! I'm so excited to have you! I honestly don't know how you think this stuff up . . . fantastic! Thanks for sharing your post with me :-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  5. OMGosh! I thought I was the only one who loved encyclopedia and dictionary paper! I'm coming from Maybe Matilda and clicking follow. I totally get what Rachel said about wanting to follow instantly... I might be your new biggest fan. Thanks to Rachel for hooking me up with a new blog to love.

  6. Jaime! Your post was fabulous. I can't wait to do more Mod Podge transfers! You are so creative and inspiring... I will have to get my hands on some encyclopedia paper. (Unfortunately, my Grandpa told me last week that he threw away their 1960 encyclopedia collection. If he only knew what a treasure he was giving up!)


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