
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Did I mention I like to make jewelry too?

This week has been the BEST so far for the summer---
my best friend Tessa came to visit unexpectedly and is saying
ALL week long!!! 
I am beyond thrilled to have the extended girl time. 

Annnddd I get to help Tess plan for her wedding which is coming up in a few weeks!
Today we made her bridesmaid jewelry.
I was SO honored she wanted me to make them---
She was most defiantly in charge of the design and I was the executor! 
Here is how they turned out.

We picked a special number of pearls---the number of bridesmaids in her wedding.
(As you all know I am ALL about meaningful, and this was a special way of doing it.)

We also made these cute dangle earrings to match.

After we got the design all worked out we mass produced.

And I think they turned out AMAZING!

I don't know if you guys are interested in the "how-to" for jewelry making, but here is a little picture help if you are!

I just bent round wire loops for each of the pearls.
Then you cut the excess wire off.
You also need to cut the store bought chain the approximate length you think you want (all personal preference---for a wedding you would want them all pretty similar.

DIY jewelry making is no fun without the right tools.
It is a great hobby but you have to invest a lot at first to have the basics to work with.
The "pliers" is used to work with the loops after you create them.
The middle tool is for cutting wire.
The last tool is for bending small loops in wire.

After you have the loops made on each side of the pearls/beads you just need to hook them together and then each side of the "strand of pearls" to the chain.

Just like this.

Cute and meaningful.
Just what I like.

p.s. I really hope you will stop by my giveaway going on this week-----click here to check it out!

xoxo Jaime

Ohh and I am linking up to a few of these amazing parties---be sure to check them out!


  1. Those are beautiful!!! I love them!
    You are so creative and talented!!
    Do you sell them?!
    Do you have an etsy shop?
    If not you totally should! I would buy this set for sure!

  2. I agree with Cindy! Where is your etsy shop girl? : )

  3. No Jaime, you had not mentioned that.....but I'm really not surprised! You are so multi-talented. Have a great day, hugs, VBg

  4. Gorgeous!! My friend just got engaged and asked me to be her maid of honor! I will have to show her your necklace! I love it!

  5. Pretty! I totally want to try this! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I LOVE this! So creative! I would love to try this myself! Thanks for inspiring me!

  7. Wow! You are so talented! I'm so impressed. Have you considered selling these babies?

  8. Beautiful! These would make great gifts... will be pinning for future reference =)

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  9. They are so pretty but I especially love them because they aren't too over-the-top in the glam department which will allow the gals to be able to wear them again and again:)

  10. Love this idea! Hope you'll link it up to our first Blog Hop- "Crafts for Under Twenty-Somethings"- a linky party specifically for all things kids and teens! My husband is a youth minister,so I know our teen girls will love this!



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