
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

I am so so so sorry that I didn't have a chance to pick the winner
 this Friday when I said I would 
butttttt better late than never right?! 
Soooo here we go-----

A huge congrats to comment # 5

lizrunge87 said...

I'm a follower. I'm sooo grateful to you for introducing this blog/shop. It's my new favorite. I've seen a lot of her prints before (on pinterest, etc), but now I have the SOURCE and I am loving it. :)

Yayyyyyy I am so so so happy for you!!!!! 
Contact me so that I can get you all hooked up with Lori from Fresh Picked Whimsy!

(as selected by random number generator) 
True Random Number Generator  5Powered by RANDOM.ORG


  1. Ah, shucks! Well, looks like I'll just have to throw down some cold hard cash for my desire. Congrats to lizrunge87, you lucky duck!

  2. I sent you an email (lizrunge87@hotmail) but I just wanted to make doubly sure that I contacted you because I am so super stoked about this and wanted to make sure there was no way I was going to mess it up for myself. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you again!

    thanks I am LOVD, I am a lucky duck!


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