
Monday, October 10, 2011

A bedroom bench that needs a home!

Hiiiii friends!!  How are you doing?!  I hope you had an amazing weekend!!!
I really really did!
I am super excited to report that I had a little time to do a little up-cycle, gosh it has been a little while since I have done one of those!!

I had some fun making this bench more my style!
Here is the before look!

So much potential and so not my style---yet!

But I just added some old white chalk paint, and some very inexpensive muslin like fabric to the top anddd

ahhh that is better!
Sooo here is where the dilemma comes in...
see I like the bench in two different spots....soooo I thought I would photograph both and see which home you like the best!

So here is my little bench in all of its glory at the end of the bed in the master bedroom----it is replacing a larger chest (that I adore) because I was just feeling like I needed something to lighten up the space a little.

It probably isn't quite the right scale...buttt it does lighten up the dark wood of the bed frame (that I would so so so so so love to paint someday!)

It does work well to catch all of the extra pillows on the bed at night...that is a bonus!

I had to include this picture because I am pretty proud of the pillow covers at the top of the bed---I sewed them all on my own :o)

but back to the problem at hand

the guest bedroom, possibly my favorite room in the house---
it always has great light and so light and cheery 

doesn't the bench just fit right in here at the end of the bed??

And I just can't stop thinking how nice and convent it would be for guests to but their bags on...
hummm what do I do?
Do you like the little up-cycle?

Anddd let me just give a little more attention to my pillows I am so thrilled to have sewn!

I added the buttons so they are simple to clean....and I think they really add a lot! 
Hubs would like me to note that he sewed them on...
goodness he is talented! 

I so wish I could afford shams to match my duvet...why is it that they tend to be about 39 dollars each?!?  Goodness I could buy another duvet cover for that!  Sooo yayyyy that is I guess why I am so excited that I sewed my own alternates!

I am linking up to a few of these wonderful parties this week!


  1. I think that beautiful bench looks gorgeous in the guest room. The pillows are gorgeous and compliment the bedding perfectly. Looks like a really lovely place to stay.

  2. I'll have to agree, and for the same vote is for the guest bedroom. The scale is right and it gives guests a comfortable place to put their bags and belongings. I think the beauty of the bench you up-scaled gets lost in your bedroom so put the chest back and leave the bench in the guest bedroom. And, don't feel bad about it because we should always "give our guest our best"!

  3. I love/want/need that bench! Buuuut I guess you can keep it for your guest bedroom :) Btw, I never noticed this before but your wood floors are really pretty! If you did those yourself, can you share what color it is and where you got it from? Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hmmm...I think I'm going to have to disagree with the other comments...I really like the bench in the master...I love how it looks against the darker, more masculine piece...I understand the scale is a little off, but maybe you can place a standing plant or sculpture on one side of the bench to even that out a little??? I don't know, Jaime...I just think it looks great against the dark wood...I feel like it almost gets lost in the lighter room. AND, I adore those pillows...they are awesome! I'm gonna make today...;) LOVE the are awesome...

  5. I think it should go the guest would be the perfect place for me to put my bags when I come and move in...hehehe!
    Beautiful job and really it does look great in both rooms, so with that said....I guess I am not really any help at all :0

  6. I like the bench too.....It's really cute!

  7. I like the bench a lot. I love it with the colors on the blue bed, but I think it looks better with the foot board.

    I stumbled this!

  8. Oh, I really love that bench! SO pretty, and fits perfectly! Great job making it so unique!

  9. I like it in the master bedroom against that brown bed!

  10. I love it! I think it would look great in the guest room. I love those pillows, btw!

  11. My votes the guest bedroom! I like the "arms" reach over the end of the bed to peak up and say HELLO THERE :)
    I think that's just a beautiful subtle piece that it contrasts your dark wood bed a hair too much.

    Beautiful redo job!! Do you buy your chalk paint locally or have it mailed?

    Pamela @

  12. Hmmmmmm....decisions, decisions! I know...make another one, then each room can have one! But if you can't do that, I think my vote is for the guest room because i just love it against the blue AND it would hold my baggage perfectly! :) Great job as always, it's beautiful!!!

  13. Gotta say I like it best in the guest room. I think it's just a little more to scale there. It's very pretty & I LOVE the blue in there & the ruffles! Amazing :)

  14. That's a toughie....I love how it contrast against the Master's footboard but adore it with the guest room's duvet. Gee, I wasn't much help at all! LOL

  15. Your bench turned out really nice. I think it looks good in the guest bed room. It seems to match the color scheme in there a little better. Your pillow shams are so cute...your hubby did a good job with the buttons :)

  16. Love the bench and I vote for the guest room. It looks so "at home" at the foot of that fabulous bed!! It does looks nice in the Master but to me it's missing something - either room will still show off that great bench!! Your pillows are really beautiful... love the style and buttons. I need to make a set for my master bed. Great Job! AJ

  17. I love the redo and I vote to keep it in the master! :)

  18. The bench looks great. It fits so perfectly at the end of the bed. I think it looks great in the guest room!

  19. I think you're right and the scale looks a little better in the guest room, but I love the way it looks with the footboard of your master bedroom. I think you should put it in your room, and move it to the guest room whenever you have guests.:)
    or maybe find another one, so you have one for each.

  20. Found your blog through Pinterest - now I'm following! :) I like the bench in both rooms, but I think it looks best in your master bedroom because of it's size.

  21. All around, just a beautiful project and I love that blue bedding. Did you make it?

    (new follower here!)

  22. It looks very natural in the guest room. But it's your home! DO what you want!

  23. love the bench & bedding and wish i could just sew on a button!!


  24. I say flip a coin! We do that to make a lot of either way choices around here! It's all a matter of opinion and honestly, it's your preference in the end...maybe you just need to make another bench for your room {I guess that reveals my opinion ;)}, Can't wait to see what you decide!! WOO HOO...everything is beautiful btw. Great job!

  25. I love this, ahhh the many lives of a bench! Wonderful that a few small changes can make it last for years and years longer. Well done!

  26. I love this bench, adore it even more in white. Looks great against the dark wood of the bed. Thanks for linking up at Beyond the Picket Fence.

  27. I love this bench! I have been searching for something like this for myself! You did such a great job!

  28. Love the bench in the guest room- it looks wonderful there and turned out beautiful! Stopping by from Freckled Laundry - now following you! Stop by and say hello sometime!

  29. Great job - such a cute bench


  30. Love he bench and the pillows are amazing! what kind of fabric did you use for the pillows and how many yards did it take?

  31. I love the bench! You did a fantastic job!! I must say it sure does look lovely with those ruffles!! So my vote is for the guest bedroom!
    And yes your pillows are great too!! Go Hubs!
    Thanks for partying with us at Show & Share girl!


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