
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {15} Its Party TIME!!!

Hello friends!  Happy Wed. Night!!!
Notice anything new???!!!
Wellllllll I finally went ahead and got myself a little something exciting----
a blog makeover!!!
I love the look AND I love that I didn't have to DO the designing!

I am thrilled to share my favorite link ups from this past week----

I love how simple and pretty these paper trees are!!!
Great job Simple Home Life!!

It is no secret by now----JOY is my WORD of the season....
I think I have done close to a million crafts using JOY---soooo Maggie--- this would fit right in!
Check out Midwestern Sewing Girl to see how Maggie made this Joyous holiday decor!!!

Check out this amazing tablescape via My Sister's Suitcase.
LOVE it!!

Anddddd I LOVE these anthro knock offs!!!!  Its over flowing did it again----AMAZING!

Andddd ON to the party! 
I can't wait to see what you are up to!
I am happy to say that I have some of the most talented friends around!

Anddd for some very very exciting news:

The only rules and requests for this party:
Have fun linking up anything Crafty Scrappy & Happy--no etsy shops or giveaways please!
Be a follower of Crafty Scrappy Happy if you would!!!
Grab a NEW party button!


andddd p.s. 
I don't know if you had a chance to check out the contest going on over at and {on facebook} but I would really love for you to represent Crafty Scrappy Happy and go and check it out!

annnddddd p.s. 
If you hadn't had a chance to get entered into the giveaway for the sweet Cut It Out frames I would LOVE for you to get over and get ready to win!!!


  1. Jaime - just wanted to say I love the new blog look. So cute.

  2. Your blog looks great! Thank you for hosting!

  3. Such cute blogs to check out - thanks for introducing all of us!

  4. Looks like a fabulous party friend! Thanks so much for making it so enjoyable for the rest of us!

  5. Jamie!! Oh, how I have missed having a project to link up, but I'm here now :) I love the blog makeover, how in the world do you find the time to be so fabulous?!? It looks wonderful!

  6. I love the new clean look of the blog. Very refreshing!

  7. I think just maybe, Wednesday is my favorite date because I have a set appointment with my BFF! Thanks for hosting!! And thanks for liking my snow globes. Your makeover looks absolutely lovely!!! I'm so impressed! Did you do it all!?!? WOW!!! Glad to be learning from the BEST!

    Aimee from ItsOverflowing

  8. love the mason jars!! cute. blog looks great jaime

  9. Yay!! I love your new blog design! Your designer is fabulous! HAHA :D I'm sorry I couldn't help myself! It was awesome working with you Jaime! :)

  10. Love the new blog design Jaime Lyn! It fits you perfectly! Thanks so much for the party. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
    Jenn :)

  11. The blog looks great! Love your choices.

    I am so excited to be your co-host next week! Thanks for having me.

    As always, thanks for hosting such a fabulous party!

  12. Thank you for hosting. Your blog is so beautiful. I love the picture frame with the chalkboard in lay in your feature.

  13. Thanks for hosting!!! I linked up most of my projects from this week's 25 Days of Christmas and Holiday Ideas Series!!! :)

  14. JAIME!!! What a wonderful surprise to see my JOY letters featured! Thank you so so much!!! Thank you for hosting, sweet girl...;) Hope you're having a wonderful day off!

  15. AND!!! I LOVE your new look!!! Oh my gosh, J, this is the best...awesome!!!

  16. Thanks for hosting another amazing party. There are so many wonderful links on here already. I can't wait to check them out.


  17. Love your new blog look!!! So shabby chic! I think it fits you perfectly!

  18. Love, Love, LOVE your new blog look :) JEALOUS!!!

    Thanks for hosting the party! Can't wait to hang tonight {finally!!}.

  19. Thanks for hosting...I'm a follower and I added your cute new button to my post! Great features from last week. I love those colorful frames from the giveaway too! I've linked up with my Mudroom Style Entryway and a fun wreath at #130. Hope you like them :)

  20. I noticed the new look right away and love it and all it's shabbiness glory!

  21. The new blog is GORGEOUS!!! Love, love, love it!


  22. Thanks so much for featuring my paper trees! I'm late on sharing new crafts but thanks for hosting!!!!

  23. Happy Thursday, my friend! Thanks for hosting as always. Love the paper tree you featured from last week. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.

  24. Jumpin on the JOY train! Thanks for hosting, m'dear!

  25. I forgot to mention...loving the new look of the blog. So clean and fresh!


Your comments mean the world to me!