
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Features from last weeks link party.... and my favorite commercial that doesn't seem funny at the moment.

Happy Tuesday my friends! 
Where in the world did the first few days of the week go?!?  
I have been working hard and recovering from a wonderful weekend in Chicago-Land!
I must make a mention to my famous person sighting while I was there----I got to meet Maggie from Midwestern Sewing Girl!!!!!  
Yesss it is true I got to meet and hang out with one of my favorite bloggers in real life while I was close to her hometown.  And. It. WAS. AMAZING!!!!  
It makes me really really wish I could meet and hang out with all of my blog friends! 

And on a side note I was enjoying a good old fashioned re-run of house hunters on HGTV and going through your AMAZING projects linked up at last weeks link party whennnnnn.....
I was reminded of my most favorite commercial **usually** ever...

Yes.... it is true, my sweet faced pup was overlooked while I was drooling over your projects and now....
Since I highly doubt that the steamer cleaners can come and save the day as it is late at night....
I am off to scrub my carpeting....!!!!
{I will just repeat in my head as I clean---I love my dogs I love my dogs I love my dogs}

Anyways, lets get on to the fun part here----YOUR projects!!! 
I {heart} you guys and your talent and your friendship SO much!!!

St Patrick's Day Banner by the Sweet gals at Lolly Jane

Amazing organization by Salvage Savvy

The every changing picture frame by The Brown Abode

Eggvocado by The Traveling Spoon

Master bedroom redo reveal by PB and J Stories

Super Simple Dog feeder by Crafted Niche

DIY Barrel Shade Chandelier by Burlap and Denim

Airplane Party by Southern Lovely

Special Birthday Mantle by 52 Mantles

Birthday Timeline by 52 Mantles

Ruffled Drop Cloth Pillow Tutorial by Twigg Studio

Bead Board Picture Frame by Adventures of a DIY Mom

Family Pride Outdoor Sign by Pondered Primed Perfection

Piano Mantle by Knick of time interiors

Be sure to grab a feature button if you would like one!!!
{Located on my sidebar}
And get ready to link up to this weeks party SOON!



  1. I LOVE the family sign! And the every changing picture frame. Good features.

  2. I just adore Knick of Time Interiors! Sending love!

  3. Some great features this week, several I haven't seen and who would of thunk of an eggvocado? Never say that commercial before either. I have only seen my dog do that once, but of course it was in a room full of people.


  4. What fun and fabulous features ...

    ... and I've never seen that commercial either!


  5. Just saying hi! And that I'm glad to be following along. :)

  6. Hi! I love your choices. I had seen that commercial before, maybe I watch too much HGTV?

  7. Wowza! Those are some FABULOUS features.
    I have to go back and look again...
    Thanks for gathering them up =)

  8. Great choices. It's giving me a list of lots of projects. Thanks for posting.


  9. Oh Jaime, thank you so much for including me! The other features are FAB and it feels good to be included with them. Such pretty spaces and things...that armoire at Salvage Savvy really knocks my socks off and the Master Bedroom redo at PB&J Stories totally gave me rug and curtain envy. Apparently I missed the commercial so I'm headed back in...
    Thanks Again!

  10. You are TOO sweet! So glad you liked Roxy's dog feeder!

  11. OK...that's bad! When my parents visited almost two weekends ago they brought their little Dachshunds with them and one of them was doing that here. I'd never seen that before and tried to keep a straight face while squealing to my mom to "get that dog off my floor"!!! So sorry, but it's hard not to laugh even under the circumstances. Bleh!

  12. Whaahoo! Thanks for the feature, girlie!
    Off to link up again! You're the BEST!

  13. I just realized I never said THANKS for featuring my daughter's birthday projects!! SO SO sorry! Your feature definitely made me smile!! :)

    Thanks again!!


Your comments mean the world to me!