
Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Favorite Breakfast EVER---Night Before Salsa Egg Bake

Hey guys!
How was your week?!
I hope it was great!

I am very VERY excited to share my most favorite breakfast EVER.

It is a family favorite.

And I almost alway prepare it the night before I have weekend guests.... 
then all you have to do is refrigerate and cook the next morning while enjoying coffee and visiting with your guests
 instead of scrabbling to get a nice meal together...
It also works well for me because lets face it I am NOT much of a morning person!
The less cooking I have to do in the early morning hours the better off EVERYONE is!!

And as an extra benefit this recipe is seriously it is SO simple.....

Here is what you need for a 9 inch pie pan.  
{I double the recipe to make a larger pan---and trust me left overs are just GREAT!!}
-6 eggs
-1/2 cup mild salsa
-1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
-1/2 cup light sour cream
-1 cup grated monterey jack
-1 cup grated cheddar

Then you just spray pan with non-stick spray
-whip together eggs, cottage cheese and sour cream in medium bowl

-Spread salsa over bottom of pan and sprinkle cheese over salsa

-pour egg mixture over cheese

Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

And finally get ready to ENJOY the best AND most simple breakfast EVER!


I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

I am linking up to a few of my favorite link parties!!!



  1. Looks like a tasty recipe, I'll have to try it. Love your blog and all your creative projects! New follower.


  2. That looks delicious! I am going to have to try it this weekend!

  3. Looks yummy! And it's my kind of cooking....easy! Thanks for sharing.

  4. That looks delicious!!!!!! But, what kind of ingredients are this??

    - mild salsa
    - grated monterey jack

    I live in Italy and I don't know what they are.

  5. Yummy! Sounds absolutely wonderful!

  6. Whoo Hoo!!!
    I am back on the Atkins train and loving this recipe. I'm going to make it for dinner tonight.
    Thanks so much!!!!

  7. I'm not a morning person either:), but I'm actually making this for dinner tonight. Perfect for Fridays during Lent! Thanks for the recipe!!
    Kim @plumberry pie

  8. This looks great! Visiting from the Linky Blog Hop! I hope you’ll stop by – – and follow me!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. My husband will love this! Found you from TT&J. XOXO Janean

  10. This is great! YUMMY and easy. Linked up today and added my party to your list! Have a GREAT weekend!

  11. I love me a good egg bake, Jaime! Never tried a layer of salsa though!! Mmmmm! xoxo

  12. Hey Jaime!! Stopping by and to let you Im now following via the Linky Followers Blog Hop at Its So Very Cheri!!! Be great to have you follow back. Have a great day!! :)

  13. Holy delicious, that looks good! I am constantly entertaining weekend guests so it's good to have recipes like this in the rotation.

    Btw, I'm stopping over from "It All Started With Paint." You definitely have a new follower :)


  14. That looks delicious! I'm not a morning person either, and you are right it is so much better to get the prep out of the way the night before and not have to be busy in the morning.

  15. found you from Linda at it all stared with paint, that looks amazing, just pinned it!

  16. I love the night before bakes. They are awesome. I will have to add this one to my list. It looks delicious!

  17. Great, now I have drool in my keyboard. This looks so good! Stopping by from the power bloggers tribe to say hello and follow you via facebook and GFC!

  18. Hey Jaime! Thanks for stopping by Decor & More earlier -- soooo happy to have found you and to be a part of the power bloggers tribe!! We're gonna have some serious fun!
    I'm your newest Linky Follower AND I just pinned this recipe because this will for sure be a hit in my house!
    Look forward to getting to know you ~ Heidi :)

  19. LOVE eggs! I'm here from the power bloggers and now I feel like I need to eat---which I definitely DO NOT! Great to meet you and can't wait for some power blogger fun!

  20. Wow, I had already left you a comment before I found out we were in the "tribe" together. Now following and liking:)

  21. Hello fellow tribe member! I truly heart your blog! So clean and pretty and don't even get me started on that incredible breakfast dish.


  22. Okay-- when I think of salsa, I think of a margarita and chips but I will have to try it with the eggs! Following you now from the tribe. Love your blog!

  23. Yum, yum, yum! Just ate dinner and now I'm hungry again. Looking forward to trying this one! Visiting from "The Tribe".

  24. I've pinned this for my next MOPS meeting!! Looks delish!

    I'm coming by to follow you on linky. I'm already a GFC follower, but had to cover all avenues :)

  25. Add salsa to anything and I am there! This looks and sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Finally made this last night! So easy, love that! My husband loved it and so did my parents:). The kids even ate it:). I put a link to this post in my post today. Enjoy the sunshine!


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