
Monday, February 13, 2012

Risk that come along with being a crafty blogger

As my one year blog anniversary CELEBRATION continues this week I wanted to do some more reflecting....
this time about some of the RISKS that come along with being a crafty blogger!!!

And here is some of the projects from my year of blogging that serve as proof that all of these risks are ooohhh so so true for me!

Kitchen bench seating

Do you have a favorite Crafty Scrappy Happy project from this year?!?!  
Check out LOTS of other projects in my project gallery {here}

Andddd of course you didn't think I would let you forget did you?!
we have a huge HUGE link party coming up this week!!!!

We now have 20 AMAZING Co-hosts for the party this week!!! eeeeehhhh I am so SOOO excited!

Seriously have I mentioned how happy I am that you guys are celebrating with me?!?!



  1. I loved looking at your past projects. You are very inspiring! I really liked the projects that included words! I'ma word lover!

  2. It is all so true about blogging! You have had an inspiring year! Can't wait to co-host :-)

  3. Congrats on your one year- what a year you've had! As a new blogger, I find this so encouraging! I completely agree with the risks you listed. Blogging is taking over my life! But I love it... =)

  4. You have had such a fantastic year!

  5. Wow - Jaime - I can totally relate to the "risks" - I do want everything I see in blogland and in every store and on Pinterest. I also want everything that you've just highlighted that you've made in the last year! Wouldn't it be nice to give up the day job?
    p.s. so excited to co-host!!

  6. You have done some amazing pieces this last year! I love the uniqueness you bring to each project, it is so inspiring!

  7. A favorite? Are you kidding? I have to pick?! LOL. The bench definately ranks up there high on my list. Cute post on the risks except I have to disagree with you on the you "may want to quit your day time job" LOL with me it's a "definate"!

  8. haha I could identify with those "risks" Happy 1 year and happy Valentine's Day!

  9. So exciting Jaime!! Happy 1 year. You have accomplished SO much in one year. You are completely inspiring and so creative. I look forward to another year and bring on the celebration. :) xoxo (Happy Valentine's Day too!!)

  10. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy 1-year Bloggy Anniversary. I have signed up for this co-host Linky party and I will do my best to fulfill my duty (I'm saluting you right now). I hope I can do this thing. I'll let you know if I have any issues, but you always seem to make instructions so easy so for now, I am not in a panic.

  11. You've had a GREAT year!! What a fun linky party!

  12. Great projects! You had a wondeful year and I can't wait to see what this year brings here.


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