
Monday, March 19, 2012

Just a few things and some AMAZING features from last weeks link party!

WOW you guys are just AMAZING!
Talk about fabulous link ups this past week!
I don't even know where to begin when I think about crafting right now!
I am so many ideas.... BUT then I think about staying inside on a BEAUTIFUL March day in Wisconsin...
I end up outside soaking up the sun!

Speaking of the Midwest and its fabulous weather---
if you follow me on facebook you know that I have started a Midwest bloggers facebook page---
so if you live in the Midwest area be sure to join!!!

And to those of you who do not live close----when do you want me to come and visit?!

:o) but really I get giddy thinking about finding other bloggers that live close that might someday want to hang out in real life----AMAZING right?!

Stepstool updo by Hell on Heels Housewife

Superhero Desk by Corner House Blog

Herringbone Print by The Junk House

Twine Eggs by Turtles and Tails
Ohhh and in other exciting news I am newly obessed with organizing thanks to my newest obession----
31 bags.

I am so obessed infact that I started selling them!
Check out my link on the right sidebar for more information!!!
OR click {Here}


  1. Thanks for the feature Jaime! I feel so special :)

  2. Oh, so pretty, these are graet! I Love those sweet little eggs!

  3. If you ever come back to MI for a visit, give me a call:)!! Going to check out your midwest blogger group now!

  4. Great features Jaime Lyn - love that step stool!


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