
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crafty Scrappy Happy Me. Thursday {23}

Well guys I CANNOT believe that it has been a week already since my 1 year celebration and our HUGE link party!  
I just keep smiling everything I think about how much it meant to me that everyone made it so special!

In case you missed it I did two AMAZING features posts from last weeks party....
seriously if you are looking for amazing inspiration---look no further!

Anddd in case you didn't see enough of the wonderful projects my sweet friend from Smallgood Hearth picked her favorites and put them in a sweet collage for us!!!
Here is what she had to say:

I was blown away by several projects.  I narrowed it down to 8, so hard to choose only one or two projects with that much awesomeness.

Isn't that just the perfect last little taste of AMAZING projects from last week???!!!!

And I promise this will be the last mention of my one year spent blogging but I think that it is important to tell you the best things about my first year of blogging!

And I want to note a BIG HUGE change to my blog {well not really but I am kind of excited}.
Up on the top of my blog along the tabs there is a Party link.
{Click here to go and visit}
Is now officially a place for YOU to share and link up places you like to party or places where you host parties!
I would LOVE for you to check it out!!!!
And help me find the best blog parties around!

Anyways, I hope you are ready to party again this week!!!!!
I can't wait to see what you are up to!

Same "suggestions" as always.
Link up anything and everything Crafty, Scrappy and or Happy.
No giveaways or etsy shops please.
I would LOVE for you to grab a party button---so everyone knows where you party!
Andddd go and visit some links!!!  Make some new friends!  

Ready?  Set? 
Get linking! 



  1. Goodness gracious. I linked up the same project on accident. Think you could delete it for me? #6 Sidewalk chalk paint... Thanks a bunch! Can't wait to see what goodies get linked up this week!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting Jamie! Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  3. Thanks for hosting! Congratulations again on your anniversary.

  4. Thanks LOTS for hosting!!! XO, Aimee

  5. Oh those breakfast cups look YUM! Sharing on my fb page and making this weekend!

  6. Great features! Thank you for hosting this wonderful party each week! Hope you are doing well, friend!

  7. Thanks so much for the party Jaime! Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Jenn :0

  8. Hi Jaime Lyn, Thank you for featuring my little embroidery hoop! The Scrabble Wall Art is so much fun! Thanks for hosting.

  9. Thanks for hosting Jaime Lyn! I'm following on Linky followers now! xo -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  10. Jaime, Could you please tell me the name of the font you used for the words FUN and GROWTH (same font). Thanks!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting! Looks like a lot of cute links already!

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  12. Thanks for hosting... enjoying your party!

  13. Thanks so much for hosting Jamie! Congratulations on your anniversary. Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  14. Thanks for hosting! Love seeing what everyone links up.

  15. Thanks for hosting, Miss Jaime (: Have a great Thursday.

  16. Thank you so much for hosting this great linky party, it is such a fun way to meet new bloggy friends!
    ~Jen @

  17. Thank you for hosting this great party! Excited to be linking up again this week!

  18. Some great features up there!! I don't have the time tonight to sit and comment on others so I'm not linking up! Have a great weekend!

  19. Always such a thrill to see the creative ideas out there! Congrats, too, on your 1-year blogging milestone!

  20. I'm here, Jaime. I linked up a burlap mailbox I made this week. Thanks for hosting. There are so many awesome projects to look through.
    Happy weekend!!


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